365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1193: I don't believe it can be so coincidental

   "Where's that stinky boy? I dared to pee on Lao Tzu's face, I'm going to kill him!"


  Qin Youxuan quickly stood in front of him and stopped people.

   "It's because you are too slow, the baby must have to pee when he is in a hurry. He is so young, how can he know he has to pee."

  "I don’t believe it can be such a coincidence. I don’t urinate early in the morning and not urinate late in the evening. I just waited until I got closer to pee on my face!"

  Dan Hanjie gritted his teeth and wanted to grind a bite of silver teeth.

  After finishing speaking, he grabbed the towel again and rubbed his face vigorously, and couldn't wait to take off his face.

   "Don't wipe it, your face is scratched, my son, is there such a dislike?"

   "Are you feeling hypocritical about me now?"

is a bit……

  Qin Youxuan silently slandered in her heart, without moving her face.

  Received the towel from the man's hand, passed the water and wrung out.

   "Come here, I'll wipe it for you."

  Qin Youxuan stood on her toes and gently wiped the man's handsome face, not letting go of every inch.

   Gentle movements, like wipes under the hands are priceless treasures.

  Qin Youxuan’s attitude greatly comforted Shan Hanjie’s injured heart.

   "Okay, how clean it should be."

  Qin Youxuan was afraid that he would not believe it, so she leaned forward and kissed his handsome face.

   Just about to retreat, a big hand grabbed her wrist suddenly, and even the towel was pulled into her arms.

   "Shan Hanjie, it's time to set off." Qin Youxuan touched his chest with both hands, finally grasping the gap to remind.

   "No hurry, let the brat wait for me."


  When the three of them arrived at Ye's house, Ye Zhanxing was already standing outside the gate, looking through.

   "Dad, why did you come out before your health is complete?" Qin Youxuan got out of the car and hurried towards him.

   "Seeing that you haven't been here, just come out and have a look. Happy today, how about Tingye? Let me see my baby grandson."

  Ye Zhanxing today wore an antique Tang suit, an ink black Tang suit, which made him look vigorous.

  People are refreshed on happy occasions, and Ye Zhanxing does not feel that he is in bad health now.

  The wound on his head has healed. As for the foot he got, there are still some disadvantages, but it does not affect his good mood today.

  As soon as he saw Shan Hanjie getting out of the car holding the little guy, he quickly greeted him.

   "Ting Ye, dear, come and let grandpa hug, my dear grandson is full moon today."

  Ye Zhanxing took the child in Shan Hanjie's arms, carefully placed it in his arms, poked the little guy's cheek with his finger, and saw him giggle.

   "Look, Ting Ye knows that he smiled at his grandfather, he must be a good and filial child when he grows up."

   Ye Zhanxing is holding his grandson, really everything is enough.

  "The banquet is all ready. Today, the whole family will have a meal. They are silent. They all hurried in and sit, don't stand outside and blow the hair." Su Yiru came out of the kitchen and saw a few people in the courtyard, hurriedly greeted him.

   "Where is Ye Mingmei? Is she not there?"

  Qin Youxuan went into the living room, looked around, did not see Ye Mingmei's figure, and asked suspiciously.

  Su Yiru looked stiff, hesitated for a few seconds before speaking.

   "Mingmei knows that she has done a lot of wrong things before, and thinks that you definitely don't want to see her. She doesn't want to make you unhappy on such a good day, so she went out to find friends."

   "Aunt Ru, let's call her back. They all said it was just a family meal. She went out, but it was not good. After a while, Dad will find out, and he should be angry again."

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