365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1194: What a shame! What a shame!

  Qin Youxuan thought for a while, but took the initiative to speak.

   Ye Mingmei seems to have really changed a lot now, from a savage and willful eldest lady to a diligent and sensible daughter.

  Qin Youxuan also wanted to see with her own eyes, she really changed, or pretended.

   "If you say that, then I will ask Mingmei to call Mingmei and ask her to come back quickly?" Su Yiru's face was joyful.

  She regards Ye Mingmei as her biological daughter, and she is also reluctant to be so wronged by her baby daughter.

Qin Youxuan's words undoubtedly gave her a good step.

  Su Yiru turned around and ordered the housekeeper to call Ye Mingmei and ask her to come back quickly.

   "Aunt Ru, you should call it yourself. I think it's late and it's time to start. If you can't wait like that, you can ask her to buy a baby toy. We will have a reason to tell Dad later."

   "Right, yes, you still think carefully, I will fight now."

  Su Yiru ran upstairs happily.

  Qin Youxuan watched her disappear to the top of the stairs, before turning around, a pair of powerful arms wrapped around her waist.

  "Why do you care about Ye Mingmei?"

  Dan Hanjie lowered his head and rubbed her neck, drew up her long hair with his fingers, put it under his nose and smelled it.

  The faint fragrance made him slightly squint his evil eyes.

  "Ye Mingmei is not a wicked person. If she is willing to change, it is a good thing. I don't care. But my dad treats her as his biological daughter. If she has an accident, I think my dad will be sad too. I didn't do it for her."

  Family gatherings like this, Ye Mingmei was not there, even if no one would say anything in front of them, but Su Yiru was the first to feel uncomfortable.

   Ye Mingmei is not the biological daughter of the Ye family, but Ye Zhanxing is hand in hand. How could she have no feelings.

  Family gathering, the eldest lady of the Ye family is not there, how should the servants underneath talk about it?

   "My cat is getting more and more magnanimous, and I know I'm asking for everything, huh?"

  Dan Hanjie rubbed the tender meat around her waist, opening her lips with no lightness or weight.

  Every word comes into people’s ears lightly.

  Qin Youxuan always felt that he was alluding to something, her back was gloomy, and she struggled uncomfortably.

   "Where is Tingye? Where did you hold my son?"

  "You should ask your dad this sentence, since I entered Ye's house, I have never had a chance to meet my son." Shan Hanjie said with a sour enthusiasm.

   "Don't pretend, I'm happy, maybe you threw your son to my dad on purpose." Qin Youxuan turned around, hugged the man's waist, and leaned up.

   "Shan Hanjie, such a peaceful day is really nice."


   "It would be great if I could keep calming down like this forever."

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and her hand tightened suddenly, "We will do this in the future."

  The two stayed close together until the servant came to notify them to enter the restaurant.

  Qin Youxuan was embarrassed, remembering that this is not a private villa, and hurriedly pulled Shan Hanjie into the restaurant.

  It's a shame.

  It's rare to go back to her family's house once, and even embracing in the living room forgotten, it must be laughed to death.

   "Go slow, no one is chasing you."

  Dan Hanjie took her hand and fixed Qin Youxuan by her side.

   "Hurry up, take a seat, and let the kitchen serve the food."

   Ye Zhanxing was standing in the restaurant with Xiao Tingye in his arms early in the morning. The head of the family, Ye Zhanxing was sitting in a high position, but his thoughts were all on the little guy in his arms.

  When I heard the little guy grunt, I was worried whether he was cold and hungry.

   "Should I prepare some milk?"

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