Ning Yanan is a police officer. In the ranks of Interpol, it is only because of the case of the Shan’s consortium that she will stay in the US office to handle follow-up work.

  Once she returns to China, she will give birth to a child out of wedlock as she is, I am afraid it will cause an uproar.

   "When my mother finishes handling the work on her hand, I will resign and take you to find a place to live a quiet life, okay?" Ning Yanan gently touched her belly, with a pale smile on her mouth.

  If you didn’t give you a father, would you blame your mother?

  Ning Yanan didn't dare to think about this question, she simply cleaned herself up, grabbed her bag and went out in a hurry.

  As soon as she arrived at the police station, Ning Yanan found that the atmosphere today was a bit strange.

  As soon as she arrived, everyone kept looking at her, making Ning Yanan a little confused.

  Hands, subconsciously protect the belly.

  It always felt as if everyone knew she was pregnant, but no one spoke.

  That kind of weird atmosphere, people can't help but think about it.

   "Inspector Ning, I asked you to go to his office."

  Ning Yanan had just entered the office, and before she could return to her office, a police officer came to notify her.


   was just a simple notification, Ning Yanan heard the sound of inhalation around her, and her body became stiff.

  Looking around suspiciously.

   "Sister Nan, do you still have no idea? Go to our internal official website to check it out. There is your news on it. I'm looking for you at the top. I'm afraid it is related to this ugly... news."

  A young female police officer kindly reminded Ning Yanan.


  Ning Yanan got nervous and quickly turned around and entered her office.

  When she opened the official website and clicked on the message sent today, she collapsed in her seat.

On the big official website page, the photo of her kissing Jiang Jinchen was placed in the most conspicuous position. The caption above was criticizing the style of middle-level police officers.

  Someone reported that her private life has been messed up...

  Ning Yanan's face turned white, and the hands holding the mouse were shaking.

  I want to speak, but my teeth are shaking.

  The thing she feared most still happened.


   "Inspector Ning, the head has been waiting for you for a long time, so you should go there quickly." The police officer who had notified her came again, his face became very anxious.

   "I see, I will go right away."

  Ning Yanan squeezed a word from the gap between her teeth, as if she had taken all her strength.

   Shaking his body and stood up from the chair, feeling that even his breathing was painful, stretched out his hand nervously and pressed his stomach, and took a deep breath.

  She can't panic, she can't panic.

  She now has a baby. She must be strong enough to protect herself to protect her baby.

  Ning Yanan stepped mechanically, her mind kept reverberating with the photos on the official website.

  She did not expect that Jiang Jinchen would really let those photos flow out.

  Ning Yanan only felt that there was a dark cloud over her head that could never go away. When she walked out of the office, the eyes of the people around her looked gloomy.

  She didn't dare to look at it, and quickly stepped across the work area and pressed the elevator.

  Before she stepped into the elevator and the elevator door closed, she could still vaguely hear the small comments.

  "Don’t tell me, I really didn’t expect that Sister Nan, who usually looks so serious, would actually do this kind of thing..."

   "I only heard that the Jiang family and the Jing family have announced their marriage in a high-profile manner today. So, after all, Sister Nan is the third person in other people's feelings. Will she be expelled?"

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