"I don't know, I always think that Sister Nan is working hard and she is a good person. Is there any misunderstanding?"

   "I also hope that it is a misunderstanding, otherwise I know that someone else has a fiancée and post it to sabotage, I will really ruin the three views, don’t forget, we are all police, we should be strict with ourselves..."


  The words behind, separated by the elevator door, are still like a curse, wrapped around Ning Yanan’s ears.

  She wanted to go out and shout, she was not a third party, she did not destroy other people's feelings.

   has never been anymore.

   But now, she just wants to run away...


  The elevator has arrived.

  Ning Yanan stood by the door, unable to advance or retreat.

  She hardly knew what she was about to face.

  But only the same information reverberates in the brain.

  Jiang Jinchen and Jingyan are getting married.

  Jingyan is pregnant, so are they getting married...

  Why should their happiness be set off by her misery?

  She doesn't need anything anymore, she just wants to spend the last days quietly and leave with her child.

  Is this all possible?

  Ning Yanan was stunned at the door for a long time, when the office door suddenly opened.

  "Standing outside and doing something, now that something has happened, you should find a way to solve it, and don't come in yet."

  A middle-aged man in military uniform stood by the door, glanced at the embarrassed Ning Yanan, and opened his lips solemnly.

   "Teacher, I'm sorry."

  Ning Yanan looked at the mentor who pulled herself to this day with one hand, and lowered her eyes guiltily.

   "So, did you recognize what was reported by others?"

"I do not have."

  Ning Yanan raised her head suddenly and answered firmly.

  At the questioning gaze of the master teacher, Ning Yanan did not show a trace of timidity, followed him and walked into the office.

   Standing respectfully at the middle-aged man’s desk.

"I admit that I know Jiang Jinchen and have been with him..., but before he got married, we broke up afterwards. I never thought about getting involved in other people's feelings, let alone destroying other people's marriages. ."

  The real third party is Jing Yan.

   But now Ning Yanan will not believe anything.

  She and Jiang Jinchen have always been in an underground relationship. When Jing Yan appeared, it was a huge marriage between the two.

  Whoever it is, will think that she is the unseen third party.

  "Look at today's domestic newspaper first."

  The middle-aged man pushed a new newspaper in front of Ning Yanan and motioned her to sit down first.

  Ning Yanan didn't dare to sit, just reached out and took the newspaper on the table.

  Looking at the above content clearly, Zi pupil tightened, only to feel that the whole world was collapsing.

   "The marriage news of the Jiangjing family has been passed on over and over again, but it has never been implemented. Now it has been revealed that Jingyan is pregnant. No matter what, this marriage is probably fixed."

  The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at Ning Yanan, who had an ugly face.


   "You are reported by someone at this time. The timing is really bad. Once something is stabbed to the media, I can't protect you."

   "Even if I haven't done it, can't it?" Ning Yanan's palm clenched.

  Even if she has decided to leave, she can’t accept it, in this way.

  "Then those photos are always real, right? The date above can't be faked. The time of the photo shooting is shown after the first marriage announcement by the Jiang family. How do you explain your relationship with Jiang Jinchen?"


  Ning Yanan's body shook, almost unable to stand.

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