After a meal, Ning Yanan said less and less.

  The better Mrs. Mo treats her, the greater the suffering in her heart.

  She would rather Madam Mo like everyone else, who disliked her origin, was so picky about her past, and even opposed her being with Moxiyang...

  Perhaps this way, she felt better in her heart.

  "I’m here this time, and there are a few friends who want to see, so I won’t be with you anymore. Yang Yang sends Yaya back. When I have time, I will take it back and show it to your grandfather and dad."

  Mrs. Mo left after dinner, without taking away a cloud.

   "Goodbye auntie."

  Ning Yanan looked at Mrs. Mo’s back and waved.

  Can't say what it's like in my heart.

  Mo Xiyang drove the car, and Ning Yanan did not speak anyway along the way.

  She didn’t talk much when she was with Moxiyang, but never once did it like this.

   Moxi's eyes flashed, he drove the car to the side of the road and stopped.

  Turn on the car lights and turn to look at her.

"you are not happy?"

   "Moxiyang, why don't you tell me that the person who is coming is your mother? We shouldn't lie like this. Auntie thought I was pregnant with your child, so she..."

  Ning Yanan stretched out her hand to press her belly, uncomfortably unspeakable.

  She is not a person who is good at lying, especially in front of people who treat herself sincerely.

  Every lie is like a dagger stabbed on one's body.

  Move a little bit, I can't breathe in pain.

   "As long as you want, this child is mine, Yaya, I will treat him as my own, and so will the Mo family."

   "But he is not at all! I can't lie to myself, and I don't want to lie to anyone."

  Ning Yanan hides her face feebly.

  There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Once you tell a lie, you have to tell countless lies to round up the lie.

  It's like being addicted to drugs, it's out of control.

   "Then don't cheat, just treat it as a temporary concealment. After your matter is processed, I will pick a time for you to clarify in person with my mother."


  Ning Yanan became stiff, turned her head to look at him.

  Mo Xiyang tugged at the corner of his mouth and took Ning Yanan's hand.

   "Trust me, as long as we really want to be together, nothing else is a problem."


  Ning Yanan lowered her eyes and looked at the two hands holding together, her eyes dimmed.

   "Don't think too much, my mother has already dealt with this matter, and there will be results soon. When everything subsides, you will take all your accumulated annual leave and take a rest for a while."

  Mo Xiyang let go of her hand, and when Ning Yanan didn't speak, he restarted the car and drove onto the highway.

  Send Ning Yanan back to the apartment before leaving.


  Night is approaching.

  International Airport.

  Jiang Jinchen Junyi's figure stepped out of the departure gate, striding towards the black luxury car parked outside.

   "San Shao, do you want to go directly to the villa?"

  The assistant took the briefcase and jacket in Jiang Jinchen's hand, opened the door of the rear seat, watched Jiang Jinchen sit in the car, and asked respectfully.

  Jiang Jinchen just finished his day's work and pressed his brows tiredly.

  Hearing the assistant's words, the first reaction was to go to Ning Yanan's apartment to see her.

  Thinking about it again, her thin lips opened slightly.

  "Go to Zhishang first and send all the backlogs of documents here today to my office."


  The assistant did not speak again, and drove the car quietly.

  The car was parked under the Zhishang building. The assistant turned his head and looked at Jiang Jinchen, who was already tired leaning against the car window and fell asleep, and hesitated to wake him.

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