In the past few days, Jiang Jinchen has been very busy, and has to deal with Jiang Haoyan, physically and mentally exhausted.

   Thinking of the news received today, the assistant's eyes flashed.

   Just about to speak, Jiang Jinchen opened his eyes.

  The long and narrow peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and he sat upright from the car seat, reached out and grabbed the coat next to him, and was about to get out of the car.

   "San Shao, you left for a day, something happened." The assistant struggled, not knowing what to say.

  Jiang Jinchen put on his jacket conceitedly, opened the door of the car, and stepped down.

  Stand in front of the car window and tidy up your clothes.

   glanced at the hesitant assistant, raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

   "The Third Young Master, there is news from the police that Ms. Ning is the woman you raised and the third party in your marriage to Ms. Jing..."

Before the assistant had finished speaking, Jiang Jinchen picked him up and pressed it to the car window.

   "What did you just say, do you have the courage to tell me again?"

   Hell the third party, if such news is true, it might drive Ning Yanan crazy.

  Jiang Jinchen's face sank in an instant.

   "Yes, it's true. It was on the police station's internal news network that it was Ms. Ning who was reported to have a mess in her private life."


  Jiang Jinchen let go of his hand, and directly threw his assistant to the ground, turned around and strode into Zhishang.

  Pressed the elevator and entered the office non-stop.

  Turn on the computer and log on to the official website of the police.

  Jiang Jinchen is not working as a staff member, so naturally he did not log in to his account, but he memorized Ning Yanan's account number and password back and forth.

   Soon, he hacked into the official website from an external network and logged in with Ning Yanan’s account and password.

   Seeing the flashing content inside, Zipu squeezed, raised his hand and smashed the computer to the ground.




  Jiang Jinchen waved his hand and swept everything on the desk to the ground, with his arms resting on the desk, his chest heaving violently because of anger.

  The handsome face is hidden in the dark, revealing an incomparable shadow.

  As soon as the assistant walked into the office, he saw a mess.

   "The three young masters, the news is only circulated within the intranet. Miss Ning should be under investigation. If the situation is true, she must be punished."

  "Contact her superior and take the call to me, let me see who dares to punish her!"

  Jiang Jinchen's eyes dimmed, reflecting a dangerous light.

  Think of something, suddenly took out the phone and clicked on the photo album.

  The photos attached to the report letter are lying in his mobile phone album.

  Except for him, no one has touched it at all. How can it be passed out inexplicably?

  Jiang Jinchen turned around and looked at his assistant.

   "Go and get a computer."


  The assistant quickly took a laptop into Jiang Jinchen’s office, cleaned the mess on the desk, put the computer on it, and turned it on.

  Jiang Jinchen took out the data cable and connected his mobile phone.

  Long finger quickly entered the password on the keyboard to track the record of his mobile phone.

   His eyes fell on the copy of the photo, and Zitong shrank suddenly.

  Very good, he really believed the wrong person.


  I am afraid that the person who shot is still his good father.

   "The Third Young Master, not only Ms. Ning was reported, but the domestic newspapers also began to re-advertise your marriage to Ms. Jing. Even the fact that Ms. Jing was pregnant was also widely reported by the media."


  Jiang Jinchen hit the table with a fist, his eyes splitting.

  He had long expected that Jiang Haoyan would force him to submit while Jing Yan was pregnant with the child.

  It’s just that Jiang Jinchen didn’t even think that they would directly target Ning Yanan.

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