Yao paused, and looked at the rear seat, "Jie Shao, that is the painstaking effort of Mr. Ye for a lifetime, do you need someone to stare at?"

   "Don't interfere with Ye's operations, let people guard against the Ye family's repairs, he won't be idle at this time."

  Dan Hanjie's eyes shone sharply.

   "How did you check the things you asked?"

   "All the videos and road monitoring on the day of the wedding have been adjusted, but now that the police are involved in the investigation, the details of the explosion will have to wait for results."

   "Let Jiang Jinchen handle the police matter, and let people take Ning Yanan to the villa."

  Qin Youxuan is emotionally unstable at this time. It might be better to have a good friend with her.

  Dan Hanjie lowered his eyes, staring at the little guy sleeping in his arms.

  The scene of finding him in the compartment can still be seen clearly.

  For a second, he thought he would completely lose the child.

  Now holding the little man in his arms, Shan Hanjie's chest seemed to be enriched by something. His long fingers poked the little man in the face, and his heart became soft when he looked at his lovely sleeping face.

  The car drove back to the villa, but the butler was already waiting outside.

   "Jie Shao, my grandma is awake."


  Shan Hanjie's body became stiff, his arms holding the child tightened slightly, and he walked inward.

  As soon as I walked to the corridor, I heard the movement from the bedroom, and my nerves froze.

  Give the child to the concubine and walk in quickly.

  A mess in one place.

  Guang Kejian's floor is covered with cut up wedding photos.

  Even the glass frame covering the photo was smashed to pieces.

  Qin Youxuan's petite body is nestled at the foot of the bed, and the bright cat eyes can no longer see the light.

  The pretty face was pale, and her cherry lips were rubbed with blood.

  Holding scissors in his hand, desperately cutting beautiful wedding photos.

  Finger was cut by the glass on the edge of the photo frame, and blood dripped on the broken photos, revealing a **** beauty.

   "It's all fake...all are fake..."

   "Dad is gone...no more..."

  She looked dull and whispered to herself.

   Shan Hanjie's body shook, as if he had been nailed in place, unable to lift his legs at all.

  Watching her vent her anger and ruined all the wedding photos in the room.

After finishing cutting the photos, Qin Youxuan staggered to her feet and walked towards the wedding dress hanging in the cabinet.

   waved his hand, it was going to be ruined.

   Before he could drop his hand, he was firmly buckled by the man and put it in his arms.

   "The person you hate is me. It's really so uncomfortable, so you killed me."

  Shan Hanjie held her hand and pointed the scissors in her hand at his heart.

   "Come on, like me, in order to avenge my mother, I shot Ye Zhanxing with one shot. If you want to avenge him, you can get free with a single blow."


  Qin Youxuan raised her head to look at him in shock, as if the cruel scene appeared before her eyes.

  She just watched Shan Hanjie pull the trigger...

  Killed her father.

   "Why, why do you treat me this way?"

  Qin Youxuan's hand tightened, and as soon as the hand holding the scissors pressed hard, the tip of the scissors pierced and left Shan Hanjie's chest.

  Bright red blood came out from the chest.

  Shan Hanjie snorted, but did not stop her.

  Hold her shoulders tightly with both hands.

   "No, I don't want..."

   Seeing the man's face clearly, Qin Youxuan released her hand abruptly.

  The scissors fell to the ground with a crisp bang.

  Qin Youxuan held her head in her hands, screaming in pain.

  Retreat without stopping.

  "Go away, don't approach me, I don't want to see you..."

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