"Shan Hanjie, why didn't you even kill me? I am also your enemy's daughter!"

  Qin Youxuan roared hysterically, his eyes fell on the blood stains on his chest, and he tugged at his hair in panic.

  How could she become like this.

  How could she attack him.

  What is the difference between her and Shan Hanjie?


  Qin Youxuan staggered and fell directly to the ground.


  Dan Hanjie feels distressed and wants to hold her up. He just bent over, pulled the wound on his chest, and took a breath.

   reached out and pressed her chest.

   Stubbornly wants to hug her.

   "You let me go, I don't want to see you, Shan Hanjie, I hate you! You can't forgive my dad, even I killed it!" Qin Youxuan grabbed the scissors on the ground and stuffed it into his hand.

   "You killed me, you killed me!"


  Shan Hanjie threw away the scissors and carried her into his arms with one hand.

   "I won't touch the Ye family's things, and I never thought of using you to avenge Ye Zhanxing. Believe it or not, but no matter what, you don't want to leave me. We are already married!"

  "A marriage in exchange for my father's life?" Qin Youxuan looked at him startledly, and smiled mockingly.

"Shan Hanjie, I am my dad’s biological daughter and your enemy’s daughter. When you look at me, don’t you really remember the tragedy of your mother before her death? You won’t wake up in the middle of the night and watch me sleep with you. By my side, I stretched out my hand countless times, wanting to kill me together?"


  Dan Hanjie's face sank, navy blue blood vessels burst from his forehead, frowning at Qin Youxuan's hypothesis.

  He never associates the hatred of the previous generation with her.

The picture Qin Youxuan imagined will never appear.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dimmed, and he reached out and grabbed Qin Youxuan, dragging her out.

   "Shan Hanjie, you let me go, where are you going to take me..."


  Dan Hanjie kicked open the door of the baby room next door, the loud noise frightened the baby in his sleep, and Xiao Tingye cried out.


  Qin Youxuan wakes up like a dream, and suddenly remembers that he still has a son.

   heard the sound and took the child from Yuesao's hands.

   "Tingye, mother's Tingye, don't cry or cry, mother is here."

  Shan Hanjie waved his hand to signal the Yuesao to go out. He stood at the door without stepping forward.

  Xiao Tingye did not see her mother for a day, and was frightened again, crying pitifully.

   Hoarse crying, grabbing people’s hearts.

  The pink and tender little face has been rubbing against Qin Youxuan's chest, wanting to eat milk.

   "Sorry, sorry, mom forgot you."

  Qin Youxuan cautiously hugged her son, touched his little cheek with great distress, and saw that his son looked very hungry, and quickly opened his clothes to feed him.

  The little guy really missed his mother. He was crying while drinking milk.

  Large tears hung on the long eyelashes.

  It's so pitiful.

  Qin Youxuan has been coaxing her son, looking at his red eyes, and Xiao Tingye who is especially crying today, and her heart chuckles.

   Thinking of the scene she saw before leaving the church, she didn't even dare to touch Xiao Tingye's eyes.

   "Ting Ye is also my son. Do you want to kill him when you look at him?"

  Dan Hanjie didn't know when he walked behind her and opened his lips faintly.


  Qin Youxuan's body stiffened, and the indescribable feeling ran through the blood.

  Tingye is also her son. She is too distressed to have time, how can she be willing to hurt.

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