365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1365: The most important person has not arrived yet

  Xiao Tingye seemed to feel her mother's grief, and her little hand touched her cheek and giggled.

  Happy spitting milk bubbles.

  It's not good to be considerate.

   "Baby, I'm sorry..."

  Looking at his son's good-looking appearance, Qin Youxuan was even more uncomfortable in her heart.

  Shan Hanjie stepped forward and took their mother and child into his arms.

  The chin rested on Qin Youxuan’s shoulder, “Cat, forget everything, we are together well, I will let someone handle the Ye family’s affairs for you.”

   "I don't want your help."

  Qin Youxuan stood up aloud, Xiao Tingye in her arms with a big face was frightened, and she blinked at her mother with big innocent eyes.

  Qin Youxuan hugged her son tightly and looked at Shan Hanjie vigilantly.


  Shan Hanjie looked at her fixedly, caught the defense in her eyes, and the coquettish Zitong tightened.

  "I will handle the Ye family affairs by myself. Tingye is still young. I know you will not let me take him out. I can leave him in the villa."

  Qin Youxuan finished speaking, and looked down at his son who was waiting to be fed.

   Rubbed his forehead against his little cheek, and the little guy immediately giggled happily.

   "You must come back at nine o'clock in the evening at the latest, otherwise you will never want to see your son in the future."

  Shan Hanjie took the child from her hand and opened her lips indifferently.

  As soon as his voice fell, Qin Youxuan immediately raised his head and glared at him excitedly.

  Shan Hanjie's stalwart body stands proudly, holding the soft and waxy baby in his arms with one hand, without the slightest expression on his face.

  Only the dim light from the fundus of the eyes, revealing a faint anxiety.


  Qin Youxuan looked at him for a long time before gritting her teeth and turning around.


  Yip Group Building.

  In the high-level meeting room, the group's major shareholders, as well as the elders of the Ye family faction, gathered together.

  Everyone looked at Su Yiru who was sitting next to her high position, and Ye Mingmei who was sitting next to her.

  The most noble position originally belonged to Ye Zhanxing, but now it is vacant.

  Accordingly, if Ye Zhanxing passes away, his equity will be automatically transferred to the names of Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei. As long as the shareholders' resolution is passed, he can successfully take over the position of Ye's president.

  Everyone thought that Su Yiru would definitely hold her daughter in the top position. Although she knew that Ye Mingmei would be difficult to be a leader, her recent performance was also remarkable.

  In addition, Ye Zhanxing's personal equity accounted for the majority, that is, Ye Mingmei insists on sitting as the president, and the old fox present can't pick a thorn for the time being.

   "Mrs. Ye, who has been waiting for so long, who are you waiting for?"

  The shareholders sitting at the top couldn't help but ask questions.

  As soon as someone started, everyone behind them all expressed their doubts.

  "President Ye passed away unexpectedly. Now the group is in panic. The position of president cannot be left for too long. It stands to reason that the will should be announced as soon as possible so that Miss Ye will take over the group, so as to stabilize the stock price externally."

  The other elder of the Ye family also agreed, and their eyes all turned to Su Yiru, who was all dressed in plain clothes.

  Without rest for two days in a row, Su Yiru's face didn't look good.

  The eyes are swollen and the face is emaciated.

  Even if you put on makeup, you can easily see the tiredness under your eyes.

  Not to mention Ye Mingmei. She had just gone away from her high fever, and she looked like she had gone half-life. She sat there and never said anything from beginning to end.

  The eyes were reddish, and when someone mentioned Ye Zhanxing, he couldn't help crying.

  If it hadn’t been for Su Yiru to remind her not to show weakness in front of outsiders, I’m afraid she would have already shed tears at this moment.

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