"Wait a moment, everyone, to announce the will and wait for a very important person."

   Before Su Yiru spoke, the head of the Ye Family's exclusive lawyers group who had been standing behind her explained first.

  "Lawyer Huang, what do you mean by this? Mr. Ye's family members are here. Who else is there to announce the will?"

   Ye Zhanxing’s cousin, and now the project manager of Ye’s family, took the lead in asking questions, with doubts on his face.

   "This... let's wait and see."

  Lawyer Huang was very persistent, raised his hand to help the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked towards the door of the conference room.

"Sorry, I am late."

  Qin Youxuan stepped in from outside the meeting room.

  A black long dress, which outlines her petite figure and is slender and beautiful.

  Long hair is braided into a braid, randomly tied with the hair, put it on the shoulder, and the end of the hair is pinned with a small white flower.

  The charming face is very clean.

  With a small face with big palms, there was no extra look, and he stepped into the meeting room. Under the attention of everyone, he walked to the position of the president who belonged to Ye Zhanxing and took his seat calmly.

   All of a sudden, there was an uproar immediately.

"What exactly is going on?"

  "Why an unrelated outsider came to the internal meeting of the group?"

   "Not everyone can sit in this position. The Ye family and Shan family have never had much contact with each other. Did Mrs. Shan come to the wrong place?"

  "Is it true that the rumors are true that Qin Youxuan is really Mr. Ye's illegitimate daughter?"

   "Even if she is, she is not qualified to attend the high-level meeting of the Ye family, what is going on?"


  The meeting room is full of noise, and shareholders are whispering.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan who descended from the sky, besides being surprised, he was more repulsive.

  No one here is a fool.

   Ye Ming Meimei is the eldest lady of the Ye family in name. She is a well-known beastly inner man. To put it bluntly, she is a bully.

   Ye family is handed over to Ye Mingmei, which is tantamount to handing over to the shareholders meeting.

  But it's different when you change to Qin Youxuan.

  No one knows that Shan Hanjie is still standing behind Qin Youxuan.

  The youngest trader on Wall Street, Jie Shao, who is known as a gold finger.

  If the person who took over the Ye family becomes Qin Youxuan, it is tantamount to becoming Shan Hanjie. Will they still have their old shareholders to talk about in the future?

  Which is light and heavy, it is clear at a glance.

   "Have you said enough?"

  Qin Youxuan has been sitting quietly in her seat, and indifferently glanced at the shareholders in the meeting room with divergent opinions.

  Waiting until the voice of the discussion became quieter, then faintly opened his lips.

  I didn’t even look at the shareholders who had a lot of opinions on her, but looked directly in the direction of Su Yiru.

  Seeing Su Yiru nodding, let Lawyer Huang step forward.

"Please be quiet, everyone. Now that everyone is here, I want to announce the will of President Ye Zhanxing during his lifetime. Please do not interrupt in the middle. If you have any questions, you can go to the law firm after I read the will. Verify and confirm."

  Lawyer Huang habitually helped his glasses and opened the power of attorney in his hand.

   "I voluntarily hand over 60% of the Yip Group's shares under my name to Ms. Qin Youxuan."

   "5% of the non-decision shares are reserved for Ms. Su Yiru. After her death, the automatic heir is Ms. Ye Mingmei."

  "Except for the shares under my name, the real estate registered under my name, as well as my personal collection of antiques, precious jewelry, etc., are all inherited by Ms. Su Yiru and Ms. Ye Mingmei."


  Every will falls, there is a sigh in the meeting room.

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