365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1395: No sense of existence at all

   Ye Mingmei became more excited as she talked, and finally sat directly on the sofa next to her, reached out and grabbed the pillow, placed her chin on her cheeks.

  It seems that the person attacked by the media is her.

   "I remember you didn't like Youxuan before."

  Su Yiru didn’t read the newspaper, and put it aside.

  As early as when she decided to sue Qin Youxuan, she should have thought of the media attack.

  All of this, I am afraid that Yu Jia cannot be separated.

  Su Yiru's guilt is unspeakable, so she can only choose to ignore it to make herself feel better.

  On the contrary, Ye Mingmei's words made her a little surprised.

"Before was before, now is now, she has changed a lot, and she is not as savage to me as before. I used to be ignorant, and everyone around me was holding me. I would treat myself as a eldest lady, and now I know , Without my parents, I am nothing."

   Ye Mingmei lowered her head, her tone a little lonely.

  Pugged the pillow with his fingers, nah said.

  "Qin Youxuan is different, she lives very wonderfully, even when it is not Miss Ye Family, her self-confidence can make my teeth tickle..."

  Such a bright smile, that kind of nobleness that comes from the bones, really fascinates people.

   "Mom is very happy if you can think so."

  Su Yiru sat next to her, took her hand, and put it on her lap.

  The words are earnest, "Mom has always believed that you are a kind child, so even if you give everything, mom must protect you from harm."

"thanks Mom."

   Ye Mingmei moved into Su Yiru’s arms.

   Acting like a child, "As long as there is a mother, no matter what happens, I am not afraid."


  Su Yiru's eyes flashed, and a complex light passed.

  Looking at the smiling daughter, she could not imagine what would happen if she knew the existence of those pictures.

   "Mom, you haven't told me, why did you suddenly tell Qin Youxuan?"

   Ye Mingmei sat up from her arms and looked at her fixedly.

   "If Qin Youxuan did not show up, those things should belong to you, don't you want them?" Su Yiru asked back.


   Ye Mingmei frowned, nodded, and then shook her head.

  Su Yiru looked at her suspiciously.

  She bit her lip before she said, "All I want is mom and dad."


"I admit that I also believed those things were mine at the beginning, so when Qin Youxuan first appeared, I hated her, but later, I slowly discovered that I hate her, not because she wanted to take the Ye family away. The right to inheritance, but when she appeared, my parents’ favorite person was not me. Where Qin Youxuan was there, everyone’s eyes would only be on her, and I had no sense of existence..."

   Ye Mingmei's eyes became lonely.

   Thinking back to myself at that time, it was like Cinderella who lost her crystal shoes.

  Only a dark room and a rag shirt were left for an instant.

"It's my mother that makes me want to open it. I can live more easily if I don't fight for things that don't belong to me. What's more, Dad has left us so many things, even if I don't have shares in the Ye family, I can do it. No worries about food and clothing for a lifetime."

   Ye Mingmei laughed out of relief, looking at Su Yiru's gaze, only a piece of purity remained.

   "And I have hands and feet, and I am a top student of GW, even if I go out to find a job and support my mother and me, there will be no problem."

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