
  Su Yiru did not expect to hear such words from Ye Mingmei's mouth, and was silent for a while, unable to answer.

   "So mom, don't worry about me. Dad's will wants to hand over the Ye family to Qin Youxuan, so give it to her, as long as Dad can rest in peace."

   Speaking of Ye Zhanxing, Ye Mingmei subconsciously looked at the memorial tablet of the ancestral hall, tearful eyes.

   "Mom did it because of your dad."

  Su Yiru looked guilty, and also looked at Ye Zhanxing's tablet.

  The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

  She sued Qin Youxuan, of course, against Ye Zhanxing's will.

  But what Qin Youxuan loses is only Ye's inheritance rights. One day, she will still want to go back.

   But if she doesn’t, what Ye Mingmei loses is the qualification to raise her head for a lifetime.

  Su Yiru was not selected, and I believe that Ye Zhanxing has always regarded Ye Mingmei as her biological daughter, and he will certainly understand her for doing so.

  She is a mother, and she has to be selfish for her daughter.

   "Shan Hanjie has nothing to do with your dad's death. I originally didn't plan to hand over the group to Youxuan now. I will talk about everything until the police investigation results."

  Su Yiru turned her head to look at Ye Mingmei, “You have not gotten better from your cold. Drink more water and go back to your room to rest.”


  Ye Mingmei looked at Su Yiru who was a little strange, and wanted to ask something, but in the end he obediently returned to the room to rest.

  The Ye Family Ancestral Hall is very tightly guarded. Most people will be spotted immediately even if they come near.

   Before Ye Mingmei was hiding here, she successfully avoided Shan Hanjie's pursuit.

  Su Yiru chose this place to temporarily avoid the hustle and bustle outside, and he also fancy this point.

  The afternoon sun shines warmly on the windows.


   Ye Mingmei woke up, her throat was sore.

  Walk out of the room, poured a glass of water, and walked to Su Yiru’s room.

  As soon as he raised his hand to knock on the door, he found that the door was only hidden.


   Ye Mingmei opened the door, only to find that there was no one in the room.

  The bed is very clean and there is no trace of anyone having slept.

  Su Yiru’s bag was placed on the table, but the person disappeared.

  Ye Mingmei stepped forward, and just about to see if she took her mobile phone out, she found a lot of photos stuffed in her bag.

  Draw out one in doubt.


  The water cup slipped from the palm, and the warm water splashed on the trousers.

   was sluggish for a few seconds before reaching out to take Su Yiru’s bag in front of him, and digging out all the photos inside.

  After reading one by one, his face is as gray as death.

   fell to the ground.

  "How come there are such pictures, this is not me...this is not me..."

  Ye’s tutor is very strict.

  When Ye Mingmei was just an adult, she met many celebrities in the upper class with different appearances.

  At that time, it was not that she was not curious about the opposite sex, but she had always kept the house rules in mind.

  Go out every day, never play too late, let alone spend the night outside.

  As soon as the time comes, and she hasn't returned home, Ye Zhanxing will call her personally.

  Ye Mingmei rebelled several times, but she never dared to be punished.

  When I saw the photo on my hand, my brain exploded.

  If it weren't for the face that looked exactly like her, she couldn't believe her eyes.

  How could she take such slutty photos...


  I don’t know how long it took before Ye Mingmei recovered and got up from the ground.

   rushed out of the room, frantically looking for Su Yiru.

  She needs someone to tell her that this is not true, and the person in this photo is not her.


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