"Where is Tingye?"

  Qin Youxuan subconsciously went around looking for her son.

  Shan Hanjie promised her that she would let her take care of her son personally in the future, and she was afraid that he would lie to her.

   "The babysitter just fed milk to the young master, and was walking in the yard with her arms. It's getting a bit faster. The young grandma should eat something to cushion her belly, otherwise it hurts her stomach too much."

  The butler reminded him worriedly.

  Qin Youxuan was really hungry and went to the restaurant.

  Simply ate something, looked at the long dining table in front of him, and then at the servants who had been laughing with her on their backs in front of them, Qin Youxuan looked a little embarrassed.

  I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t think of any funny things I had done.

   reached out and touched her face, is there something dirty on her face?

   "Young lady, you look so cute when you are drunk." Seeing her puzzled, a young servant couldn't help but explain.


  Drunk, last night?

  Qin Youxuan blinked the cat's eyes. Before she could continue to ask, the servants told you and me what happened last night vividly.

  At the end, everyone laughed, only Qin Youxuan was completely stunned in her seat.

   His eyes were dull, with a touch of surprise.

   "Young lady, are you okay?"

  The housekeeper saw that her face was not right, so he waved his hand to let the people next to him go down, and he didn't dare to speak any more.

  "The new servants are ignorant, and the subordinates will remind them not to talk too much in the future."

   "I'm fine, they didn't lie." Qin Youxuan's eyes dimmed.

  Looking at the dishes in front of me, I immediately lost my appetite.

   stood up and walked into the yard.

  I couldn't see her son all night, Qin Youxuan quickly took it from the babysitter when she saw the little guy in the yard.


  As soon as Xiao Tingye reached her mother's arms, she rubbed her chest without saying a word.

  Small mouth, chip, stick out your tongue.

  Qin Youxuan remembered that he could not breast-feed him today, and quickly asked the nanny to make milk for him.

  Feed the little guy, she sat quietly on the swing in a daze.

Not long after, the butler walked towards her and leaned over respectfully, "My grandmother, your luggage is already packed, and everything the young master needs is ready. The car is waiting outside. , You can set off at any time."

   "Go? Where?"

  Qin Youxuan looked at the housekeeper a little unexpectedly, and nervously hugged Xiao Tingye in his arms, for fear that Shan Hanjie would separate their mother and child.

   "Jie Shao gave orders. When the young lady wakes up, let people send you and the young master back to Ye's house." The butler respectfully responded.

   "Me and Tingye?" Qin Youxuan was stunned, her eyes widened to look at the housekeeper, her eyes filled with surprise.

   "Yes, you and Young Master, the luggage is ready and ready to go."

Qin Youxuan froze completely when the butler's words fell.

  She thought she was going to be trapped in this gorgeous prison for the rest of her life. Suddenly someone told her that she could leave, and Qin Youxuan suddenly didn't want to believe it.

   "You said it was Shan Hanjie?"

   "Yes, Jie Shao ordered. If the young lady wants to leave, she can leave at any time." The butler repeated it again.

  You can go anytime...

  Qin Youxuan suddenly shook, eyes flooding with astonishment.

  Recalling Shan Hanjie's abnormal behavior yesterday, his heart tightened slightly.

  Did he decide to let her go long ago...

   "Young grandma, the young master is still young, so I can't live without my dad..." As soon as the butler spoke, Qin Youxuan was already walking into the villa with Tingye in his arms.

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