365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1449: You don't have to accommodate me

   Soon, the driver of the Ye family rushed to the gate of the private villa.

  "Move all the luggage into the car, we will leave immediately." Qin Youxuan hugged Xiao Tingye and ordered to the housekeeper.

  What else does the butler want to say, she has turned around and looked at the villa.

  It is false to say that there is no reluctance.

  It’s not just this place, but the people in this place...

  Qin Youxuan forced herself not to think about it. She didn't even dare to hesitate. She hugged her son and quickly got in the car.

  Leaves the private villa.

   When the car arrived at the Ye Family Villa, Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei were both waiting outside the gate.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan getting off the car, she immediately greeted him.


  Su Yiru was still thinking about the court affairs, a little guilty.

  Ye Mingmei stood far away, even more embarrassed to step forward.

  Originally, Su Yiru planned to leave the United States with Ye Mingmei before Qin Youxuan moved back. Who knew that Ye Mingmei suddenly changed her mind and wanted to stay.

  Su Yiru stunned her, so she could only agree.

  Now that Qin Youxuan moved back, several people looked at each other, all a little embarrassed.

"I dare not say anything about the past, but I am very happy that you can stay. I believe my father also hopes that you can be with him. When I come back, you don’t have to be too accommodating to me. What are your habits? ."

  Qin Youxuan broke the silence first, holding Xiao Tingye and walking to the Ye family villa.

  "Move all the luggage to my room, put the unimportant things aside first, and arrange all the items that the young master needs." Qin Youxuan holding his son, while instructing the servant to tidy up the room.

  Su Yiru soon followed and helped arrange the luggage.

  Qin Youxuan glanced at her, but did not refuse.

  Since Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei plan to stay, they will inevitably meet each other when they live under one roof, and they can't keep holding on to the previous things.

  "Hold Tingye for me, and I will make him some milk."

  Qin Youxuan can't remember how much wine she drank yesterday. The alcohol content of red wine is low. After one night, she didn't feel much, but she still didn't dare to drink breast milk for Ting Ye in the past two days.

   "I hold?"

  Ye Mingmei stood by the door, always hesitating whether to come in, and found Qin Youxuan looking at her, she was taken aback.

   pointed his finger to his nose, and asked rhetorically in astonishment.

   "I have never held such a small child before, I am afraid that he will cry." Ye Mingmei was a little nervous, and firmly grasped the hem of her skirt with both hands.

  The expression in her eyes was expectant, and she never thought that Qin Youxuan would be willing to let her hold her son.

"Everyone has the first time. Tingye is not afraid of life. You can try it. If you are hungry for a while, then you really want to cry." Qin Youxuan's cat eyes flashed, stepped forward, and took the initiative to put the child in. Ye Mingmei, teach her how to hold the baby.

  Su Yiru stood by, dare not say a word.

  I never expected Qin Youxuan to have such a mind.

   Take the initiative to accept their mother and daughter.

   "He is really good." Ye Mingmei looked at the little person who was sleeping in her arms, her expression softened unconsciously.

  Even if the tense arm does not dare to move, I still feel sweet in my heart.

  This feeling of being trusted is really good.

   Compared with Su Yiru’s mother and daughter’s touch, Qin Youxuan didn’t seem to care what she did, and turned around to make milk for Xiao Tingye.

  Take a sip, make sure it is not hot, and then give it to the little guy.

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