365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1472: I don't want you to beg him!

  In her impression, Jin Chenye is really a slow person.

  Although he looks good to everyone, it is precisely because he is good to everyone that few people find that he is actually very indifferent to everyone.

  The person who can open his heart can truly touch the tenderness behind his indifference.

  "I really don't mean anything else to seniors, let alone me..." Ye Mingmei bit her lip, her eyes dripping out of helplessness.

  Her photos and videos are in the hands of Yu Xiuzun. As long as he does not let go, whoever is with her will have no result.

  Ye Mingmei rubbed her arm, feeling uncomfortable.

  "Are you worried about the photo?" Qin Youxuan saw her thoughts and looked at her with determination.

   Ye Mingmei didn’t shy away, and nodded honestly, “I only care about when I can get the photos back, and I don’t have any thoughts about anything else.”

  Qin Youxuan's cat eyes flashed, "Actually, I came here just to talk about this with you."


   Ye Mingmei looked at her suspiciously.

   "There was an accident at the Yujia pub, which was designed by Shan Hanjie. Your photo is now in Shan Hanjie's hands. It's just him..." Qin Youxuan bit her lip and didn't know what to say.

  "What did you say? In Shan Hanjie's hands?" Ye Mingmei widened her eyes in shock, as if her eyes were about to fall out of her eye sockets.

  She was still worried that Yu Xiuzun didn’t know when she was going to torture her, when she suddenly learned that the photo had been in Shan Hanjie’s hands, the complicated mood was beyond description.

   Soon, Ye Mingmei calmed down.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan’s drooping eyebrows, thinking of her current relationship with Shan Hanjie, she felt a little bit in her heart.

   "Did he use my photo to threaten you?" Ye Mingmei said suddenly.


  Qin Youxuan just looked at her, but she didn't expect Ye Mingmei to ask so directly, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"I don't want you to help me." Ye Mingmei stood up from the sofa and became very emotional. "You have done enough for me. I am sorry for you. Dad died in Shan Hanjie's hands. We are all Can't accept it, I don't want you to beg him!"

  "Don't you want to take those photos back? Take them back, and you can start a new life with confidence. Perhaps without those shackles, you and Jin Chenye will have a chance to be together."

  Qin Youxuan took Ye Mingmei's hand and found that her fingertips were as cold as soaked in ice water, and her mouth was saying hard words. In fact, she was panicked.

  She would ask Shan Hanjie to help, because she believed that only he could compete with Yu Xiuzun.

   but forgot, she is going to get a divorce now, how could Shan Hanjie help her in vain.

  It was she who pushed herself to the point where she was in a dilemma, and she couldn't blame anyone.

  "What are his conditions?"

  Ye Mingmei sat back on the sofa in a jealousy, and looked at Qin Youxuan nervously, with unbearable fear in her eyes.


  Qin Youxuan bit her lip, not knowing how to speak.

  Dan Hanjie clearly grasped her weakness and wanted to force her to go back.

  But the more he was like this, the more resistance Qin Youxuan felt.

  Be with him once a week. What is the difference between this and a deed.

   rescued Ye Mingmei and sold her.

  Qin Youxuan looked at Ye Mingmei’s reaction and knew she would not agree.

The cat blinked, looked down at Ting Ye, and squeezed his son's pretty face, "Except for not agreeing to the divorce, what else can I do? I will think of a solution for this matter. Don't worry, I won't do it again. Let the photos return to Yu Xiuzhun's hands."

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