365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1473: There is a problem with Yip


   Ye Mingmei bit her lip and trembles unconsciously when she hears Yu Xiuzun’s name.

  She knew that without Qin Youxuan, Shan Hanjie would not pay attention to her photos at all. Thinking of this, Ye Mingmei looked at Qin Youxuan's eyes more and more guilty.

  She always seems to be dragging down the people around her.

   "Don't think too much, you are my sister by all means."

  Qin Youxuan didn't say much, but after a few words of comfort, she took Ye Mingmei out to eat.

  Since Ye Zhanxing told her that she hoped that she would take over the Ye Group, it was tantamount to entrusting Ye Mingmei to her to take care of.

  Su Yiru can do it for her, and Qin Youxuan will return it to Ye Mingmei.


   "Miss Qin, your phone rang." The butler took Qin Youxuan's cell phone and walked quickly to her.

  Qin Youxuan glanced at the caller ID and raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.



  Hearing her straightforward brother, Jin Chenye on the other end of the phone seemed to be stunned.

  After hesitating for a few seconds, he came back to his senses and opened his lips softly, "Yip’s organic farm has some problems. In order to prevent the impact from spreading, you may need to send someone to look over."

   "Is the problem big?" Qin Youxuan bit her chopsticks and squinted the cat's eyes.

  The largest section of the Yip Group is the chain restaurant industry.

  Supporting the invincibility of Ye's catering industry is the large organic farm under Ye's self-management.

  The self-production and self-sales model makes every link of Yip's closely linked together. While maximizing profitability, it also makes every link indispensable.

  If something goes wrong with the organic farm, I am afraid it will soon affect the big restaurants under Ye’s. For the current situation, this is not a small problem.

  "The situation is still unclear. I only know that the large crops are suddenly dead, so I have to go and see in person. You clean up tonight and come with me tomorrow."

  Jin Chenye’s gentle voice unconsciously became tense. Qin Youxuan knew him and knew that the situation was definitely not optimistic, so she didn’t ask more.

"I know."

  Hang up the phone, Qin Youxuan puts her mobile phone at hand.

   "What happened?" Su Yiru asked worriedly.

  Hearing her voice, the little Tingye in his arms began to speak.

   "If you are naughty, you know to make trouble."

  Qin Youxuan reached out and nodded his nose, and reached out to hug the little guy from Su Yiru's arms.

  As soon as he reached his mother's arms, Xiao Tingye stopped, chuckled twice, and rubbed Qin Youxuan's chest.

   "Something has happened to the farm. I may have to visit tomorrow. Tingye will work hard for Aunt Ru."

  Qin Youxuan briefly explained two sentences.

  "Are there any places where I can help?" Ye Mingmei heard an accident on the farm, put down her chopsticks, and asked anxiously.

  "The situation is still unclear. If Jin Chenye and I are gone, the group will want you to watch it. With the cooperation case in hand, it is estimated that you will not be free."

  Qin Youxuan picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip of water.

   "I don't understand anything else, but you can rest assured with Tingye." Su Yiru said next to him.

   Ye Mingmei also nodded, “I’m not afraid of hard work, so I can help as much as I can.”

  A silent tacit understanding spreads in the restaurant.

  The three people glanced at each other and suddenly all smiled.

   "If your father could see you being so independent now, he would be very happy." Su Yiru said with emotion, his eyes a little sad.

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