365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1487: This picture is so spectacular...

  The dark brown wing team seems to have undergone rigorous training, and can change formation in the air, showing amazing coordination.

  The huge movement caused all the workers on the farm to raise their heads from the ground and stare at them for a moment.

  "Why are there so many helicopters? This picture is too spectacular..." Fang Hua looked at the oncoming helicopter wing in a stupor, and he forgot to blink his eyes.

It took a long time before I realized, "Miss Qin and Qin, these helicopters seem to be flying towards the farm. There is an apron behind the farm, which is an open space for fast loading and unloading. These helicopters seem to be moving towards there. Fly over."


  Qin Youxuan's body shook, and it took a long time to recover from the scene before him. Hearing Fang Hua's words, she was startled.

   "With so many helicopters, Ye's can't be mobilized for a while, let alone apply for air traffic control..." Jin Chenye squinted his eyes, and the gentle pupil became deep, revealing a light that no one could understand.

   fixedly looked at Qin Youxuan.

  One of the people they know can easily do it.

  Just how could he come?

  Qin Youxuan noticed Jin Chenye's gaze, raised her head, met his gaze, and trembled in her heart.

  The petite body turned and ran down quickly.

   "Xiaoxuan, run slowly!" Jin Chenye was worried about her safety. Once he turned his mind, he immediately followed.

   "Miss Qin, there is a guardrail over there, and the key is with me!" Fang Hua hurried to catch up when he saw that both of them had run away.

  More than the three of them, even the farm workers heard the movement and ran towards the place where the helicopter landed.

  A whole line of helicopters, a total of twenty helicopters, lined up in a line, and parked in the empty space where the Ye family loaded their goods.

A helicopter led by    was the first to open the cabin door.

  Dan Hanjie's noble figure stepped forward.

  Black military boots set off his slender legs even more straight. Looking up, his already outstanding facial features are covered with a layer of coldness.

  The coquettish child pupil, the tall nose bridge, and the thin lips slightly pursed, making a startling arc.

   stepped on the flat ground, and the flying ash splashed with an indescribable aura.

  As soon as Qin Youxuan walked to the clearing, she was stunned.

   fixedly watching this amazing scene in front of me.

  Watching Shan Hanjie step forward towards her, every step seemed to step on the tip of her heart.

   finally stopped in front of her, stretched out her hand to stroke her cheek, the magnetic voice was charming, "Seeing such a surprise, I can't even say anything, eh?"


  Qin Youxuan just looked at him blankly, moved her lips, wanted to talk, but found that she didn't know what to say.

  He suddenly appeared, with so many helicopters, what is it to do?

  Qin Youxuan actually has a bold answer in her heart, but she can’t even believe it...

   "Jie Shao, everything has been arranged." Yao walked quickly to Shan Hanjie's side and reported to him.

Behind    Yao, a group of expert groups are already in place, carrying their briefcases, ready to enter the working state at any time.

  "My little grandma, this is the industry expert that Jie Shao found. They are all agricultural professors who have won various awards in the world. With them, I believe that the questions on the farm will soon be answered."

   "Then these helicopters..."

  Qin Youxuan pointed her finger and stopped in front of her. She couldn't speak fluently when she couldn't see the wings.

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