"Jie Shao guessed that if there was a problem with Yejia Farm, he would definitely grab the fruits. The road leading to this place was deliberately blown up. In order to prevent the cargo from being stranded, these helicopters were here for transportation. Don’t worry, my grandma, air traffic control has already been advanced. After applying for filing, all the procedures are complete, and the things can be delivered to the warehouse in Washington today to ensure the supply of goods for the restaurants under Ye's."

  Air freight...

  Such a large quantity of goods, they dare not even think about it.

  Only Shan Hanjie can think of such a tyrant and domineering way, he is indeed rich! capricious!

  "I'm just stunned to do something, but I don't have to hurry to work."

  Shan Hanjie saw that he was completely absent in his eyes, but only noticed Qin Youxuan who was in the helicopter, and raised his eyebrows unhappily.

   reached out and pulled her to her side, shouting at the expert group around her.

  "Who is in charge here? We want to see the garden where the problem occurred." The leading expert and scholar took the lead to speak, and his attitude was somewhat humble.

  In front of Shan Hanjie, no one can stand proud.

  This man is too overwhelming, and Ling Ran's aura makes people afraid to treat him lightly.

   "It's me, it's me." When Fang Hua saw someone coming, he hurried to the front.

  Seeing that the people in front of me are all big-name experts who can only be seen in newspapers, magazines and international seminars, I was surprised for a second.

  "You are Professor Fang. I have heard your name and the organic vegetables you cultivate. I have always wanted to come and see it. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to work together this time. I hope I can give you more advice.

  The professor who had just spoken saw that it was Fang Hua, and was slightly startled, and then extended his hand in a friendly manner.

  This circle is so big, Fang Huaneng becomes the head of the Ye family and manages such a large farm, he himself is also the uncrowned king.

  Compared to such big-name experts and scholars, he is not inferior.

   just ran into a problem, a group of people wanted to run into a friend, and soon formed a team and walked towards the garden.

   "Organize the farm workers to prepare for loading. Before dark today, all the fruits and vegetables in the warehouse will be transported away, so as not to have more nights and dreams." Shan Hanjie turned his head and gave a dazzling look, Yao immediately nodded, and turned to deal with it.

  Large farms, each performing their duties, has also become orderly.

  Not at all affected by the sudden disaster.

  On the empty ground, only Shan Hanjie, Qin Youxuan, and Jin Chenye, who had not spoken, were the only people who were idle.

  Looking at Shan Hanjie like a king, he flicked his fingers and pointed the country.

  Several big moves, seeing the chaotic scene in the palm of his hand, Jin Chenye's eyes became very deep.

  While he was looking at Shan Hanjie, Shan Hanjie gave him a fierce look, and took Qin Youxuan into his arms domineeringly, and looked up and down.

  Pretty face, neck, neckline...

  Every inch of his body seemed to have been scanned with a laser by him, and no weird traces were found. The gloomy expression on his face disappeared.

  God knew that he had just heard that Qin Youxuan had come to such a remote place alone with Jin Chenye, and he had a cannibalistic heart!

   "Shan Hanjie, I don't need you to help me."

  Qin Youxuan recovered and blurted out.

  Except for a hint of surprise, there is also a little embarrassment under the eyes.

  She kept saying that she didn't want to rely on him, but when something went wrong, she still had to rely on Shan Hanjie to clean up the mess for her.

  This made Qin Youxuan feel uncomfortable.

  "If you don't let me help you, just sit on the sidelines and watch Ye's fall. Will you be more satisfied?"

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