"and also……"


  Ye Mingmei smashed the papers in her hand on the desk and stood up.

  For a moment, everyone in the public relations department was stunned and turned to look at her in shock.

"What are you panicking? Now it's just a public relations crisis. It's not that Ye's really put toxic foods. If you panic like this, if you let the media see it, I am afraid that we really have to determine that there is a problem with our Ye's catering before connecting us People are afraid of this."

  Ye Mingmei's beautiful face was covered with a rare stern look.

"You all remember one thing for me. No matter what goes wrong on the farm, the Ye family will try their best to solve it. Poisonous fruits and vegetables will never be delivered to the consumers in the restaurant. We are confident and just need to do the work that should be done. Don’t panic me one by one without confirming the authenticity of the news."


  The public relations department was silent, and the flustered atmosphere was suppressed in an instant.

  Dozens of employees invariably took a deep breath, calming down the nervousness.

  "Miss, how are we going to deal with the public opinion of the outside world? If this continues, I am afraid that the rumors will become more and more intense. When the consumers really believe it, the chain restaurants under the group will really have problems."

  A supervisor asked.

  Ye Mingmei's eyes flickered, and she reached out to help on the table.

   twisted his eyebrows.

  I want to be quiet and sit quietly for a while.

   But looking at the expectant and trusting eyes in front of her, one by one the subordinates who were waiting for her to come up with the plan, bit their lip and straightened their back.

"I know that when my dad was here, Ye's business has been very stable. It has been many years, and there has not been a big scandal. His old man has just left, and Ye's has such a big credibility crisis. I'm not at ease in my heart."

  Ye Mingmei paused, raised her head, and glanced at the subordinates who had dropped their heads, knowing that she was right on everyone's mind.

  In any case, Jin Chenye is an outsider, she and Qin Youxuan are newbies, and the group hastily replaced others to take over, which will cause everyone to panic.

  How long has it been since the dispute over inheritance rights has now revealed the scandal of Ye’s...

  If it was her, she would be upset, not to mention the staff who had been fighting for the Ye family for so long.

  Ye Mingmei usually hears people talking in the pantry, worrying that Ye’s change of management, I don’t know if there will be problems.

  How many people ridiculed the Ye family’s daughters for being unable to support Ah Dou. Sooner or later, the Ye family would be defeated by them.

   Ye Mingmei was angry, but never thought of arguing.

  I just secretly tried harder to run the group well and let the facts prove everything.

  Nowadays, the group has had an accident. If such rumors are allowed to spread, I am afraid that the group will start to collapse from the inside before the media and consumer associations come to the door.

"But, please believe me. Like you, I have put a lot of effort on Ye's. Perhaps this time is a test. It will test whether we can work through the difficulties together. You have all gone through layers of selection before entering Ye. Compared with me, you guys know better how to deal with such a crisis. What makes you lose your standard? Is it because I don’t have enough confidence from you, or is it just a momentary nervousness?"


   Ye Mingmei’s words, Daidi empowered.

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