365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1497: The person sitting in her car

  The entire public relations department is silent.

After looking at each other, his eyes flashed.

"Now, I will re-arrange the task. There has just been news from the farm that the problem has been resolved. The latest batch of fruits and vegetables has been dispatched by helicopter and will soon be delivered to Ye's restaurant to ensure normal supply. All of you Don't be afraid, as long as the news of Ye's is released one by one, so that consumers' problems can be answered and resolved in the first time."

   Ye Mingmei's voice is not loud, but with reassuring power.

  Everyone looked at her, and she was no longer a sloppy lady who only knew how to wear famous brands and showed off by her background.

   is a truly capable group leader.

"There is a need to maintain a consistent approach to the outside world. The Ye family’s farm has some minor problems, but instead of producing toxic fruits and vegetables, only some of the crops have encountered pests. The expert team has been rushed to deal with it as soon as possible. I have a copy of the expert team’s report here. The list is all internationally renowned agricultural experts. Later, they will formally take over the media interview to prove Ye's farm."

  Ye Mingmei pulled out a list from the folder, handed it to the assistant next to him, and asked him to print it out, ready to publish it to the media.

"The second point is that the problem of the farm has been solved. We will still control the supply of all raw materials in the Yejia Restaurant. Not only will there be no omissions, but we will be more cautious to ensure that every dish is delivered to the table in a safe and hygienic manner. ..."

   Ye Mingmei's words are sonorous and powerful.

  With the rare strength, he conveyed all the instructions one by one.

  In less than half an hour, the office that was still flustered just now settled down in an instant.

  Everyone is taking notes carefully and moving quickly.

  The panic of the people just now ceases to exist, and is replaced by orderliness.

  The media continued to follow up the phone calls one after another, but no one panicked anymore.

   "Miss, it's late, let's go eat first." The assistant walked to Ye Mingmei's side and couldn't help but reminded.

  All the people in the public relations department have gone back from get off work, and only Ye Mingmei is still working overtime.

   "Well, it's really late. It's almost half past eight. You should also go back quickly. I will check the press release on my hand again and leave. You don't need to wait for me. I have worked hard today."

   Ye Mingmei raised her head and smiled at the assistant.

  The smile is light but soft.

  The assistant was stunned, and looked at Ye Mingmei, who was completely different. After hesitating for a few seconds, he nodded and turned to leave.

   Ye Mingmei lowered her head and continued to work. When she left the group, it was already a quarter past nine.

  When he walked out of the group's gate, a night breeze blew, and Ye Mingmei's body couldn't help shaking.

   Rubbing his arms coldly.


  The phone rang again.

   "Mom, my phone is almost out of power..."

  Before she could say anything more, the phone shut down automatically.

   Ye Mingmei stomped her feet, bit her lip, put her phone back in her pocket, and walked to the parking lot.

  Holding the car key, he pressed the button to his car.


  The sound of unlocking the door.

   Immediately, it was the sound of a car door being opened.

  Ye Mingmei herself was still standing about three meters away from her car, and she didn't even touch the door handle.

  Who got in her car?

  Ye Mingmei's nerves froze, her pace quickened, and she quickly ran towards her car.

  "Who is it? There is surveillance in the parking lot. I advise you to..."

   Ye Mingmei choked in her throat.

  Looking at Yu Xiuzun who was sitting in the passenger seat, Zitong widened in an instant.

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