365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1569: It's only a minute, I'll wait

   Secretly recall the position of each medicinal material in my heart, so that I can increase my speed for a while.

  Don’t blame her for deceiving, who made the fifth choice too awkward, today she will let him taste the taste of failure!

  Rui Hua thought, suddenly became confident in her heart, and she could memorize medicinal materials faster.

  After waiting for ten minutes, I made sure that I had already remembered the dozens of medicines on the prescription. Only then did Rui Wei put it down in the pharmacy slowly and said, “I’ve got it.”

   "I will let you one minute."

  Fifth Chosen raised her eyebrows, and leaned on the drug research platform, "You can start now."


  Rui Hua was taken aback, and his self-esteem was immediately challenged, and his face instantly became angry.

  "Fifth Chosen, I know that you are good at medicine, but don’t underestimate my Ruihua Adolf. I don’t want you to let it go. I can beat you with my true ability!"

   "Who said I want you? I just don't want someone to lose for a while, and there are excuses. It's only a minute. I'll wait." Fifth Chosen glanced at her and vomited casually.

  The silver-white Zitong flickered, shining with light that Rui Hua couldn't understand.

   "I can afford to gamble, and naturally I can lose, save your mind, and make you look good later!" Rui Hua shook his fist angrily.

   "Then the game can start?"

"of course!"

   "If you lose, there is no excuse, and you will never fall back on it?"

"of course!"

  Rui Wei responded to two in a row. Of course, he couldn’t wait to kill the arrogant fellow Fifth Chosen with his eyes.

  It’s not like that yet, so he first worried that she would fall back on the bill if she loses for a while.

  I don’t know who loses and who wins!

   "Three two one, start."

  Fifth, after selecting the free time and counting three numbers, Rui Hua was seen spinning like a small spinning top in the pharmacy.

  The prescription for Shan Hanjie is very complicated, mixed with a lot of rare medicinal materials. The names of these medicinal materials are similar, and the taste and shape are not very different.

  If you don’t look at the label on the front of the drawer, it will take a while to identify the fifth choice.

After Rui Hua jumped out, she ran directly to several medicine boxes. Without even looking at the medicine names on them, she quickly took the medicine and put it on the balance to measure it.

  Fifth Chosen’s eyes deepened.

   During this period of time, she was asked to pick up medicine. On the surface, she kept complaining, but every time she insisted on completing the task.

  In the dark, I'm afraid I didn't bother much.

  She grew up really quickly.

  Fifth chooses to watch for more than ten seconds, and finds that Rui Hua is looking at him, then he stands up straight and walks towards the medicine shelf.

  Perfect right hand, as if dancing on a pill box.

  The fast-moving person didn't even see Rui Hua, so he quickly took more than a dozen medicines, even the balance was useless, and put them directly in the medicine box.

   "Wait a minute, you are shit!"

   Ruihua became anxious at once, and quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, preventing the fifth choice from taking medicine.

   yelled, "Your prescription clearly specifies the amount of each medicinal material, so you just grab it, the weight is definitely wrong!"

  "Who said that you must rely on a balance for measuring and taking? My hand can grasp the weight of each kind of medicinal material within a second."

  Fifth Xianxian threw her hand away, Junyi's figure turned around, and she continued to take the medicine.

  In less than two minutes, he collected more than 40 kinds of medicinal materials and returned to the medicine research station.

  Looking at Rui Hua, who has been stunned in place, completely petrified.

   "Idiot, you lost."

   "I didn't! The weight of your medicinal material is definitely wrong, it must be wrong!" Rui Wei returned to his senses and immediately stepped forward.


  PS: There are three days countdown to the explosion! Yeah, Fifth Chosen, how can you bully us Ruihua like this? ! (^o^)/~

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