Put the small balance on the medicine researching table, and start to verify the weight of the medicinal materials in the fifth selection.

  The fifth choice was not in a hurry, so he leaned on the medicine research table and looked sideways at her busy little face.

   Frown eyebrows for a while, bite lip for a while...

  The rich expressions on her face can be combined into an emoticon package.

  Finally fixed on Qiao's face with a look that was so wrong that she couldn't believe it.

   "Did you finish weighing?"

  About ten minutes later, Fifth Chosen said indifferently.

  The tone is very cold, but with a trace of imperceptible pampering.

   "How could it be like this...how can it be all right..."

  Ruihua seemed to be unable to hear him, staring at the balance in front of him alone, his enchanting eyes were full of shock.

   "Fifth Chosen, did you cheat, right? Have you already weighed the medicinal materials and secretly hidden them in the medicine box? That must be the case!"

   "Are you daydreaming?" Fifth Choi Xian sank his face, the most unacceptable in his life that others questioned his medical skills.

   "It's impossible at all. With such a small portion, how can it be grasped so accurately?" Rui Hua muttered to himself, how could he not convince himself.

  There are many medicinal materials in this prescription, so the amount of each medicine is very small.

  Rui Hua is not someone who has never seen taking medicine with bare hands. In China, many old TCM doctors have such skills.

   But with such a small amount, the difficulty is more than a hundred times higher.

  The time is still so short...

  Rui Hua has been completely demonized.

   "Ruihua Adolf, you can't afford to lose, you want to fall back on the bill?" Fifth Chosen stepped forward, put his hand on her chin, and stared down at her stunned eyes.


  She didn't want to fall back on her bill, but she was too shocked.

   But when I thought of giving the fifth choice of leisure to the bed in the next week, Rui Hua wanted to die.

   "It seems that I can sleep well this week."

  Fifth Chosen, as if seeing what Rui Hua was thinking, and not stimulating her enough, approached her face, exhaling like charm.

  The warm breath of the man sprayed aggressively on her face.

  It's warm and itchy.

   Ruihua subconsciously wanted to step back, but Fifth Chosen stretched out his hand to embrace her waist, and carried the person in his arms.

  The lips of two people are separated by a centimeter, and they can be touched by one movement.

  But he didn't go any further, so he controlled the back of her head and stared at her.

   Rui Hua was completely stunned, just staring at him like this.

   didn't even realize what he wanted to do, let alone actively close his eyes.

   Being so stared at by her, Fifth Chosen was stunned and couldn't kiss anymore.

  He promised that she would yell a rogue at a critical moment and then punch him again.


  Fifth chooses leisure to throw a sentence, let go, turn around and leave the pharmacy.

  "You are an idiot, an arrogant fellow. I lose to you today. It doesn't mean that I will always lose to you. The first annoyance, you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will defeat you!"

   Rui Hua yelled at his back with great anger, raised his foot and kicked the medicine research table fiercely.

  The first annoying person, it's really annoying.

   scolded her all day long, either a fool or an idiot.

  Ruihua felt that he was scolded stupidly by him.

  Obviously she is so good in the family, why is she with this man, she is like the brilliance of her body has been stripped off, so annoying!

  "Fifth Chosen, I hate you, I hate you!" I hate you more than when I retired!

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