Have never been this annoying!

Ruihua cursed silently in her heart, without even noticing that outside the pharmacy, a handsome figure was hidden in the corner, quietly listening to the movement from the pharmacy.

  Hearing her complaint, her eyes darkened.

  Standing for a long time, then turned and left.


  In the VIP ward.

  "It's a bit hot, you drink slowly."

  Qin Youxuan sat on the edge of the bed and gently brought the soup to Shan Hanjie’s mouth without forgetting to remind her.

  When he finished drinking, he took a sip and put it to his mouth to cool before handing it to him.

  With a small smile on her charming little face, looking at Shan Hanjie who was drinking soup obediently, her eyes were filled with satisfaction that she had never had before.

  "Take the shape to fill the shape. Your foot is injured. Drink more trotters soup. It's better soon."

  Qin Youxuan fed him all the soup in the bowl, then put the bowl down, stretched out his hand to draw a piece of paper towel, and wiped Shan Hanjie's mouth.

  Hand, he was caught suddenly.

  "Are you calling me a pig?" Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, his handsome face turned black.

   "I didn't mean that, you think too much, how can there be such a handsome pig as you." Qin Youxuan patted him on the head, like a kid, "Are you full? Is there anything else you want to eat?"

"have you."

  Shan Hanjie curled his lips and uttered two words.

The interval between    was a bit short, and Qin Youxuan didn't respond at once.

  The next second, his face burst into red.

   "Shan Hanjie!"

   "Don't worry, I can't eat it now, I owe it first."


  Can you still owe this kind of thing?

  Qin Youxuan slipped down three black lines.

   glanced at Shan Hanjie's injured right leg, and the cat's eyes became dim for an instant.

  If he knew his injury, would he still have such a good mood to tease her?

  Qin Youxuan's palm was tight, and without letting herself think about it, she packed her things away and put it aside.

   sat next to him.

  Shan Hanjie took her into his arms and caught the worry on her face. The coquettish Zitong flashed.

  He admitted that he kept it from her like this. If he let her know, it would be really a blow.

  But they had been separated for so long, he couldn't wait to tie her by his side every minute.

  His foot injury is the most advantageous bargaining chip right now.

   What about despicable, he is not a good person in the first place.

  The important thing is that the wife is in hand, I have the world.


  Someone knocked on the door outside the ward.

  Qin Youxuan was stunned, then quickly turned over and sat up.

  I saw the nurse push the door and enter.

  "Miss Qin, there are people who are looking at you and Jie Shao downstairs. Do you want to tell them the room number?" The little nurse asked respectfully.


  Qin Youxuan just stood firm and was slightly startled when she heard the nurse's words.

   immediately thought of something, and said anxiously, "Let them come up, I almost forgot."

  Qin Youxuan raised her head and knocked on her forehead.

   "It should be Aunt Ru. Tingye couldn't see his parents and was crying all the time. I asked her to bring it." Qin Youxuan sat back on the bed and looked at Shan Hanjie.

   Seeing him frowned slightly, thinking he didn't want to see Su Yiru.

   "Aunt Ru just doesn't worry about me. Come and take a look, she won't stay for long."

   "Where's that brat?" Shan Hanjie said suddenly.

  "..." Qin Youxuan was taken aback.

   Shan Hanjie’s big hand has touched her waist, pinched a handful of the tender meat on her waist, gritted his teeth and said, "We just made up. You don't want to leave that light bulb in the hospital?"

   "What light bulb, Tingye is your son." Qin Youxuan sighed and stared at him.

   "That's also a light bulb, let him stay wherever he cools!"

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