365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1578: Get out, I'm going to fall!

  Ruihua said, without looking at the expression of Fifth Chosen, he walked straight to the closet, and reached out to touch a black shirt.

As soon as    was about to take it out, I saw Fifth Chosen holding down her hand.

   took a white shirt from the side and handed it to her, "wear this one."


  Rui Wei took a look, and it seemed that there was not much difference except for the color.

   Turned his head and glanced at him, and found that his face was still weird, but he didn't look angry anymore.

   nodded, took the shirt and walked to the bathroom.

  It didn’t take long for it to be replaced.

  His shirt was put on her, a big circle.

  The cuffs were pulled up by her, revealing her white arms.

  The hem of the shirt just covers the hips, revealing slender and straight legs.

  Her long hair has been draped down, and she dangles it wet on her shoulders, and her delicate features are getting smaller and smaller.

  Less sexy, more clean and pure that belongs to her.

  He guessed right, white really suits her.

  Ruihua has an independent personality, but in terms of feelings, she is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, waiting for someone to fill in on it...

  Fifth Xian Xian's eyes flashed.

   "I'll go back to the room to change clothes first." Rui Hua stirred the cuffs, feeling a little at a loss.

   I always feel that the look in the eyes of Fifth Chosen at her is very strange, and she can't tell where it is.

   Instinctively felt that it must be because she was wearing his clothes, eager to go back and change it.

  As soon as he walked to the door, his wrist was pulled.

   turned his head back, and met the deep eyes of Fifth Chosen.

   blinked, a little puzzled.

"I'm sleepy."

  Fifth Xianxian's thin lips moved and uttered a few words.


  Ruihua was sluggish for a few seconds before realizing what he meant.

   "I just go back and change my clothes. It's very fast, and my hair is all wet. I always have to blow dry..."

"I'll help you."

  Fifth Chosen spoke abruptly, interrupting her.

   pulled her into the bathroom again.

   Picked up the hair dryer and started blowing her hair.

  Rui Hua stood in front of him, his thin body stiff and motionless.

  Has a long time, but they are all surprised.

  The little hand raised several times, trying to touch the forehead of Fifth Chosen, to see if he has a fever, and he dared not dare.

  But he actually blows her hair, which is too illusory.

  She must have had an illusion, it must be.

  Since it is an illusion, enjoy it.

  Rui Huan can ignore three or seventy-one, and when she thinks that she is the fifth choice for slavery, she is proud of her heart, let alone, if she had a tail, her tail would have been up early.

  Close her eyes comfortably, waiting for him to dry her hair.

  After such a calculation, it was not too bad for her to warm the bed for him, and she called him again anyway.

  The aggrieved point in Ruiwei's heart dissipated a little bit.

  Hair dried quickly.

  Fifth Chosen put the hair dryer aside, and Rui Hua was pressed into the bathroom by the stalwart body, and her handsome face approached her eyes.

   A strong sense of oppression, Rui Hua moved uncomfortably, "Fifth Chosen, what are you doing? Get out, I'm going to fall!"

  Sakura’s lips were pressed by a finger, Rui Wei raised her head in shock, and met his deep eyes. For the first time, she felt that his silver-white pupils frightened her.

  The bathroom is full of lights, but she seems to be stuck in the dark, and she can't find a way out.

  If he wanted to pinch her to death, she would not even have a chance to resist.

   Rui Wei was full of spirits, reaching out and pushing his chest.


  PS: The countdown to the last day of the explosion! Yaoyao will explode in the next three days, and it will also organize an event to reward readers. The specific instructions are in the first post at the top of the book review area. Everyone should check it out and participate!

  PPS: In order to gather auspicious figures for the event, we will stop here today, and we will start to explode tomorrow!

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