As soon as he was about to speak, he was carried by the fifth choice.

   turned around and strode towards the big bed in the bedroom, and threw her up.


  Ruihua fell so dizzy, a Ji Ling got up, stretched out his hand to rub his waist, "You have a tendency to abuse? Wouldn't it be a waste of your time, are you so heavy?"


  Fifth Chosen was about to get close to her body, and it froze.

   She really felt a sense of powerlessness when she met her ignorant eyes.

"Okay, okay, I really don’t know where the quirks come from. I also like to let people warm you up. It’s because you have served me. It’s warm. You just sit there for a while and wait for the quilt to warm me up. Call you."

  Rui Wei said, his body has already gotten into the bed of Fifth Chosen.

   sighed comfortably.

  This man really enjoys, the rooms are so comfortable.

  Arranged for her an ordinary room, even the bed was hard and sinister.


  Wait for her to call him?

  She really thought his so-called warm-bed was as simple as she thought?

  Fifth Choice Xian's eyes flashed, passing a trace of coldness.

  Looking at her contented little face, she stood still and did not step forward.

  Looking at her like this, he bet she should fall asleep if the bed is not warm within three minutes.

  Fifth Chosen put his hands on his shoulders, stood by the bed, fixedly looking at the woman who occupied his bed, and let him wait for the woman, gritted her teeth unwillingly.

   As expected, within three minutes, even the sound of breathing was heard from the person lying in the bed.

   turned over, his little head turned, and his little face turned in the direction of the fifth choice.

  Fifth Xianxian stepped forward, took off his shirt, and went into the bathroom.

  Wait for him to walk back to the room again, it was already half an hour later.

   didn't mean to wake Rui Hua at all, he just opened the quilt and lay in.

   reached out and turned off the lights in the room.

  In the bedroom, immediately plunged into darkness.


   Rui Hua habitually reached out to find his own pillow, but did not touch the pillow, but touched the fifth choice by his side.

  Fifth Chosen's hand that was about to move, paused, put it down, waiting for her to deliver it to the door by herself.

  Ruihua really fell asleep. As soon as she touched the person next to her, she thought she had touched her own pillow and wrapped her hands and feet together.

  I forgot at all, the big pillow she brought has been left in the living room long ago.

   didn’t even know that there was a big bad wolf lying next to her.

   was opening her wolf's mouth wide, waiting for her to bring it to her lips.

  Fifth Chosen Xian stretched out his hand and pressed the person into his arms.

  Rui Hua was out of breath, muttered in a daze, and was about to wake up.

  Fifth Chosen's eyes dimmed, thinking of the previous few key moments that he had missed, he could only let go of her first.

  Rui Hua suddenly smelled something dangerous, turned over and rolled directly to the bed.

   is far from the fifth choice.

  Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and there was no further action.

  Can't see her face clearly in the dark, but Fifth Chosen can automatically outline a simple and harmless appearance in his mind.

  In this regard, Rui Hua is really stupid and confident.

  Every time he gritted his teeth with anger, but had to give up.

  "Except me, who can have such a good temper to play with you the game of guessing when I can endure?" Fifth Chosen raised his eyebrows and stared at the people around him fiercely.

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