365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1699: Give you a chance to learn

   "My name is loyal!"

   Rui Hua took off his shoes, sat aside, and stared at him vigilantly.

   "Worry, but without you being so panic, if something happens, you are like the sky is falling, Rui Wei, your sky is me, not Shan Hanjie."

  Fifth Chosen's tall body approached her, reached out and grabbed her retreating body, and pulled her in front of her.


  Ruihua swallowed hard, trying to explain, "You are amazing, you can do everything by yourself, don't worry about me at all, it's different."

  "Where is it different? If you don’t worry about your own man, you worry about others because I’m great? I don’t think Jie will be happy to hear this explanation."


   Rui Hua frowned, tilted his head and thought about it seriously.

  It seems that this is really the case.

  Every time Shan Hanjie has an accident, she will be very nervous, just like a habit. After a long time, she will not care so much, just react like that instinctively.

  Not even she herself noticed.

  "Don’t be so stingy, you are the one who is with me now, and...I don’t mean anything else to Jie, I like you..."

  Rui Wei said more and more quietly, and in the end, the fifth opportunity to choose her leisure could not understand what she was talking about.

  Looking at her appearance, it seemed like a guilty conscience, and she became sulky at once.

   His eyes flashed, and he made a deep voice.

   "What are you panicking, speak a little louder!"

"I said, Jie and I have been good friends for many years. I don't mean anything to him. The person I like is you! Are you deaf? Check your ears when you are fine. Why is it so hard to talk to you? "


"I have done things like that to me, and I suspect that I have an affair with other men. If Ruihua Adolf likes a man, will I be able to get you for the first time? The overlord has long been hard-take that man with the bow It's down!"

  Rui Wei hunched up his hips bulgingly, and screamed at him.

  A pair of beautiful eyes, full of anger.

  The fifth Xianxian's eyes narrowed, revealing a brilliant light.

   "You repeat what you just said, I didn't catch it."

  It's rare to hear this dumb goose say that he likes him, and Fifth Chosen can't help but want to listen to it a few more times.

   reached out and circled her into her arms, pinched her small face with a big hand, and made a thin lip.

   "It's not like you like a man, how do you want to be? I will give you the opportunity to be the king now, so that you can practice."

  His wicked tone, with unconcealable anticipation.


  Rui Hua was embarrassed.

  Na snorted for a while, but didn't say a word.

  The small hand was against his sturdy chest, and under his palm was his strong and powerful heartbeat, which shook her palm.

  Fifth chooses leisure and waited for a long time, but Rui Hua did not move.

  Like a demon, he just stayed motionless, without blinking his eyes.

  The fifth selection of leisure is really unsettled.

   "Ruihua Adolf, don't tell me you want to stay in a daze like this?!" Her way of being an overlord is really special. Just sitting and not doing work, do you think it's over?

   "I, I don't seem to know how to behave as a hooligan..." Rui Wei finally reacted, but she raised her head timidly, and looked at Fifth Chosen innocently.

  Fifth Chosen almost sprayed her face with blood.

  What does she mean by this sentence? If she dare to love what he did before, she will treat it as a hooligan? !

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