"Why don't you teach me?" Rui Wei immediately added eye-catchingly when he saw his face darkened.

"it is good!"

  The anger in Fifth Chosen’s chest disappeared in an instant, and the strange child pupil exuded a strange light.

  The words were answered without hesitation.

  In the end, Rui Wei finally understood the meaning of his eyes.

   "Fifth Choice, I will never play rogue to you again..." Before finishing the words, I already fell asleep.

  Fifth Chosen’s eyes flashed, and he held her in his arms contentedly.


  Outside the window, there was a lot of black paint, only a little bit of starlight was jumping with the swing of the curtain.

  Ruiwa slept very deep and woke up hungry in the middle of the night.

  She didn't know what time it was, she moved her finger and wanted to get her mobile phone.

   Touched for a while, but couldn’t find the phone.

  Only breathing is quiet around.

   Rui Hua stretched out in a daze, and subconsciously touched her belly.



  After two consecutive beeps, she was really hungry.

  Thinking about this, she remembered that she went to bed before eating dinner.

  It’s no wonder that I’m so hungry that I can’t sleep anymore.

  Rui Wei narrowed her mouth aggrievedly, and blamed Fifth Chosen, she was almost hungry and fainted.

  "Hungry?" Hearing movement around her, Fifth Chosen immediately reached out and held her face, "Get up and eat something, what do you want to eat?"

"IM so tired……"

  Hearing his voice, Rui Hua disappeared immediately, rubbing uncomfortably on the pillow like a child.

  She was hungry and sleepy, didn't want to get up to eat, and couldn't sleep hungry.

  And it was so late, she wanted to eat, but she had to wake up the housekeeper.

  Rui Wei pursed her small mouth, and pitifully tugged at the skirt of Fifth Choi-xian, staring at him resentfully.

  She is so hungry now that she feels like she can eat a cow.

"Hey, get up and wash your face. I let the kitchen prepare a midnight snack to keep warm. You can have everything you want to eat, and I will accompany you." Fifth Chosen saw her thoughts at a glance, and squeezed her in love Little nose, picked her up.

   "Is there any food to eat?" When Rui Hua heard that he had prepared a supper in the kitchen, the whole person came back to life.

  A Ji Ling sat up, reached out and **** his hair.

  Two eyes were shining at Fifth Chosen, for fear that he was lying to her.

   "You have everything you want to eat, first go and wash your face." Fifth Chosen stretched out his hand to get the clothes, put them on for her, and then hugged her into the bathroom.

   wiped her face, then took the person back to the room, and then turned around to wash her face.

  Fifth Chosen's movements are methodical, and it must be impossible to imagine. A arrogant person like him has a caring side.

  And it can be taken care of so well.

   Rui Wei looked at him like he discovered a new world, until his figure disappeared by the door.

   "Fifth Chosen, I found that you have one more advantage in addition to your good medical skills, but I am not going to tell you, lest you will be proud!"

   Rui Hua raised his eyebrows and muttered quietly.

   "If you don't want me to know, you might have to speak a little more quietly, I have heard it." Fifth Xian Xian's proud voice came out from the bathroom clearly, and every word was paused.


  Ruihua was wearing his coat, sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking his two white calves playfully, and humming happily when he thought of having food to eat.

  The beautiful eyes looked bored in the room, his eyes fell on the trash can, and when he saw the top sleeve, Zi pupil tightened.

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