365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1718: I don't know how to die

   "Yes." Langtian responded respectfully.

  Seeing that his attitude is not bad, Shan Yi's face improved a little.

  "Don’t worry, I’ll be there and nothing will happen to you. Today I will let the bodyguards guard you in turn, not to mention the killer, even a fly does not even want to fly in."

   "Yes, thank you uncle."

  As soon as Shan Yi left, Lang Tian immediately called to the bodyguard in the ward, "What are you still standing here for? Why don't you go outside and guard? If I lose a hair, you will not survive!"

   "Yes, the second young master." The bodyguards walked out one after another, guarding the ward meticulously.

  Shan Yi is really afraid of his accident. Since letting Lang Tian appear in public, he has kept his bodyguards.

  Today, when there was a car accident in Langtian, a bodyguard car followed. Suddenly, the bodyguard car rushed up for the first time, buffering part of the impulse, otherwise Langtian would suffer more than just a broken arm and a broken leg.

  Looking at the bodyguard standing outside the door, Lang Tiancai safely lay back on the hospital bed.

  Hands and feet are inconvenient, he can't even turn over.

  Tossing and turning can not fall asleep, but I feel pain in the wound when I fall asleep.

   reached out and pressed the call bell.

   "Second Young Master, do you have something to call me?" The doctor on duty quickly pushed in.

"My hand is sore. What's the matter, isn't it already cast? It's so painful, how could I be able to sleep? You have to think of a way for me." Lang Tian immediately became angry when he saw the doctor on duty. Roared.

  "The plaster is just for fixing and preventing infection. Pain is still needed for pain relief. If the second young master really suffers from pain, I can give you some painkillers and hang a bottle of water so that you can sleep better."

   "I have a way, why don't you go to arrange it? If I die of pain, you will have to be buried in the whole hospital!"

  Lang Weather angrily grabbed the pillow, and smashed it towards the doctor on duty.

  As early as before his debut, he owed a lot of debts because of gambling and nightclubs. Even if Shan Yi was to wash him off, the evil spirits in Langtian’s bones still couldn’t be compared with Shan Hanxi.

   Pretends to be very similar, but in such private occasions, with Shan Yi being able to use him, Lang Tian has always been arrogant.

   "What's the use of raising your waste? Such a small injury can't be handled well. If I count on you to save my life, I am afraid that my life will be gone!"

   "Yes, yes, I will dispense the medicine immediately."

  The on-duty doctor took the pillow and put it back on the bed respectfully before turning and leaving.

  After a while, he came back with the medicine bottle in person and hung up water for Langtian.

  "Hang up a small bottle first, the second young master can rest assured to sleep. When the time is up, I will come to change the second bottle." After the doctor on duty said, he withdrew.

  Perhaps it was painkillers that worked. After a while, Lang Tian finally felt that the wound was not so painful.

   fell asleep deeply.

  The night is getting heavier and deeper, and the bodyguards outside the door are still guarding strictly, not moving.

  In the dim light, the doctor on duty came again.

  Slightly moved, walked to Langtian’s bedside quietly, reached out and picked up the potion placed on the cupboard, the corner of his mouth was filled with a smile.

  Take out a needle tube, draw out a small glass tube of blue liquid, and pour it into the infusion bottle.

   Put things away and take them away.

   walked to the door and glanced at Langtian who was still asleep, the killing intent in his eyes flashed by.

  Open the door of the ward.

   "The second young master is asleep, there is nothing wrong, don't let people go in and disturb, wake up people, you will suffer."


  PS: Ten chapters are going to be updated first, the demon is still writing, let’s go to bed first, there are still twenty chapters when you wake up. Good night (^o^)/~

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