365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1719: Yu Shao, it's not good!

   "Yes, Director Chen, we all know." The bodyguards are used to seeing Lang Tianhu's fake tigers, and they are all used to it.

  Everyone was uncomfortable, but they didn't dare to offend him. Naturally, they suffocated all their complaints.

  As soon as someone mentioned it, glanced at each other, they dispersed.

  The attending doctor named Director Chen nodded and walked quickly towards his office.

  Closed the door, reached out and took off the human skin mask on his face.

   took off the doctor's gown on her body, and she was a completely strange face.

  The real Director Chen is already lying on his desk, as if he is asleep.

  The man's eyes flashed, he packed everything away, rolled over and climbed out of the window, followed the sewer pipe, and left quickly.


  The building opposite to the hospital.

  On the rooftop.

  A coffee table, a chair, and two outstanding men sitting face to face.

  The direction of Shan Hanxi’s wheelchair is directly facing the hospital building.

  He held a telescope in his hand, and after seeing "Director Chen" leaving the ward, a horrible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "Yu Shao, the people under his hands are really quick to do things, and they succeeded so soon."

  Dan Hanxi raised the cup in front of him and gestured to Yu Xiu.

  Take a big sip of the red wine in the glass.

"That's the way you think of it. If you know a trick to make them nervous, you will finally get a salary from the bottom of the pan, and start at this place in the hospital. Hey, I'm afraid that Shan Yi would never think of it. We dare to ask the counterfeit so blatantly. Life."

  Thinking that except for one hidden danger, Yu Xiuzun was in a good mood.

   picked up the red wine glass and touched Shan Hanxi.

   Seeing that he was about to drink, he held his hand again, "In your current situation, it is better to stop drinking and change to a glass of juice."

   "What does it matter, such a joyful thing, it would be a shame not to have a drink to celebrate."

  Dan Hanxi pushed his hand away and drank the red wine in the glass.

  "Next, just wait to see tomorrow's good show..."

   "Yu Shao, it's not good!"

   At the entrance of the rooftop, someone hurried up, and ran in front of the two of them before stopping.

   "What's the fuss about so much?" Yu Xiuzhun's face sank, and he scolded.

   "A suspicious person was found downstairs. It seems to be coming for us. He is already walking up. You will find here soon."

  "It is Shan Hanjie's person, I know he will suspect that I am still alive sooner or later, but now is not the time when we meet, let me back down, is there any other way to leave?"

  Dan Hanxi put down his wine glass and looked up at Yu Xiuzun.

   "Yes, come with me." Yu Xiuzun stood up quickly, walked behind Shan Hanxi, pushed his wheelchair, and left quickly.

  When Yao brought people to the rooftop, there was no one.

   "Special Assistant to Yao, did we find the wrong place?" The bodyguard who followed Yao looked at the empty rooftop and asked uncertainly.


Yao did not speak, stepped forward, squatted close to the edge, and carefully observed the ground during the period.

   Seeing the scratches from the wheelchair sliding, Zitong tightened, "There were people here just now, and they left before we came."

  Yao stood up from the ground, looked far away, and found that the hospital building was on the opposite side. His eyes flickered.

   "Give me a pair of binoculars."


  The bodyguard quickly found a pair of binoculars, Yao quickly took it, and looked across.

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