365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1727: You are his most advantageous bargaining chip


   Ruihua gritted her teeth, still reached out and picked it up, opened the seal, and pulled out the information in her heart.

  Ten lines at a glance, browse down quickly.

  At the end, he shook his hand and all the paper fell to the ground.

  She opened her eyes wide, and watched in astonishment as the thing in her hand fell to the ground. The shock in her eyes couldn't hide her shock.

  With a hint of panic.

"The Fifth Zexian, formerly named Zexian Karl, is the prince of Sweden and the fifth heir to the throne. I think his alias is called the Fifth Zexian, probably from here. According to the information I found, The reason why he left Sweden that year was because of the death of the Queen of Sweden. The Fifth Choxian, who has always been loved by the King of Sweden, became the target of all brothers and sisters. The Fifth Choxian, who lost her asylum, saved his life. , Will take the initiative to propose marriage with the Adolf family."

  Duke stopped and glanced at Rui Hua.

"And this marriage was mentioned as early as when the Queen of Sweden was alive, but the fifth choice at the time had already been rejected. If it weren't for saving his life, he would never agree to marry you. Later, after he was out of danger, The marriage contract was unilaterally dismissed, Rui Hua, he has been using you from beginning to end!"


   Rui Hua shook his body, reaching out and grabbing the edge of the dining table.

  The eyes are a little dull.

"No, he has left the Swedish royal family now. He has made a comeback. Now the fifth choice of leisure does not need to rely on anyone and can live proudly. He doesn't have to force himself to be with me." Rui Wei said loudly. Refute Duke's words.

   "Rui Hua, do you still believe him?" Duke looked complicated and put another piece of information in front of her.

"This is the information I have just investigated. The Swedish royal family is now the second prince in power. Not long ago, someone has been sent to find out the whereabouts of Fifth Choxian. Do you think he alone is enough to contend with the entire royal family? You are his most advantageous bargaining chip!"


  Rui Hua slanted and slammed into the edge of the table.

  The head sinks badly.

   "Rui Hua!"

  Duke did not expect her reaction to be so big, he got up from the chair nervously, stepped forward, and hugged her sideways.

   walked to the sofa before putting her down.

  In just a few dozen seconds, Rui Hua's face turned pale, his hands were firmly grasping the hem of his clothes, and his eyes were dull.

   "You sit for a while, I'll pour you a glass of water." Duke looked at her like this, feeling uncomfortable, and just about to turn around, her arm was pulled by her.

   looked back at her.

   "Are you true?" Rui Wei grasped him tightly, with blue veins appearing on the back of his hand, and her finger bones were white.

  The enchanting eyes, there is no look at all.

   "Yes." Duke's eyes flashed, and he said confidently.

   "Senior, you won't lie to me, will you?" Rui Hua released his hand and bit his lip.

  Clear eyes, as if he could see the human heart.

  Duke's heart trembled, and he nodded heavily, "No, I will never lie to you."

  The Fifth Chosen is indeed the fifth prince of Sweden. He would agree to marry the Adolf family back then, and it is indeed to use Ruihua to use the Adolf family to get out of danger.

  The current second prince of Sweden has indeed been secretly inquiring about the news of Fifth Choosexian, but he leaked the whereabouts of Fifth Choosexian, and then he was chased and killed at the airport last time.

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