He will personally lead people over, Rui Hua, who is worried about being with Fifth Choxian.

   did not expect that Fifth Zexian actually came to Jin Chan to escape the shell.

  Directly took Rui Wei to change another way and returned to the United States.

  In Texas, this is his fifth choice of leisure sites, even if they want to start, they have to weigh their weight.

  Duke believes that if Fifth Chosen can use Rui Hua once, he will definitely use him a second time, so what he said is not a lie at all.

  At best, it adds the ingredients of my own guess.

   "I see, thank you for taking this trip to tell me, I want to be alone, so I won't see you off." Rui Wei lowered his eyes lonely and opened his lips faintly.

   "You know everything, or do you want to stay with him?" Duke looked at her somewhat unexpectedly.

  He thought that with Rui Hua's proud temper, he would be very angry when he learned that Fifth Chosen was using her from beginning to end, and he would even be unable to accept it.

  May be separated from the fifth selection immediately.

   did not expect that she just said that she knew it so lightly, and let him leave.

  This is completely different from what he thought.

  "This is our private matter, senior, I thank you so much for caring about me, but I'm sorry, I just want to calm down by myself." Rui Wei's head is heavy, like a hangover.

  That kind of brain is about to explode, and I can’t control the feeling of thinking about the same thing all the time. It’s really broken.


  Duke was rejected one after another, and he was too embarrassed to entangle again.

"If you are in a bad mood and want to go back to Germany, or where you want to go to relax, you can call me and I'll come to pick you up." Duke finished, seeing that Ruihua didn't lift his eyelids, and could only be reconciled. go away.


  Experimental building.


  The fifth Xianxian car stopped steadily outside the gate.

   Push the car door and strode towards the entrance of the experimental building.

  The assistant has been there for a long time. When he saw him appear, he immediately greeted him, "Master, you are finally here."

   "What the **** is going on?" Fifth Chosen asked as he walked in.

"Mr. Ye's condition has been very stable, but I don't know what's going on. In the past two days, there have been obvious changes in his condition. It seems to be to wake up from a vegetative state, but he is already in the terminal stage of gastric cancer. If he wakes up, there is no way to control it. The spread of cancer cells will probably die soon."

  The assistant followed Fifth Choxian and reported everything in a hurry.

  "Is there any notification?"

  Fifth Xianxian entered the dressing room, changed into sterile clothes, put on gloves, and prepared to enter the intensive care unit.

  "Not yet, because the condition of the illness is unknown, so I did not notify Jie Shao immediately." The assistant also changed his clothes and followed the footsteps of Fifth Chosen.

   Fifth Chosen walked forward, carefully checked Ye Zhanxing, and frowned.

   Ye Zhanxing has been in a coma for a long time. He can't eat for a long time and can only rely on nutrition injections. He has lost a few large circles.

  The original stalwart body, now it looks like it has become thin.

  "What's the change in the drugs he injected in the past two days?" Fifth Chosen took the bedside medical record and read all the recent drugs.

   "There is nothing else, but a new anti-cancer drug was added a week ago."

  "Take his stomach cells for testing. I want to see the distribution of cancer cells. Maybe it’s not bad news."


  PS: I wrote all night, thinking that I could finish the task, but I only wrote ten chapters. Today I have updated twenty chapters. Yao Yao is too tired, go to sleep for a while, and update the remaining ten chapters slowly. Feel free to vote, what? (^o^)/~

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