365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1774: I'm the one who can help him

  Private villa.

  Qin Youxuan slowly walked down the stairs and saw the person sitting on the sofa in the living room, her bright eyes flashed.

   A sneer at the corner of his mouth, he paced down slowly.

  "Miss Qian Yu came here, and she was really rude not to greet her." Qin Youxuan leaned on the armrest with one hand, wearing a white dress, making her look noble and elegant.

  The rumorous smile at the corner of her mouth makes her pretty face become cold and arrogant.

   fixedly looked at Ito Chiba and walked towards her.

  Ito Chiba is still in that fragile look, the same white skirt, worn on her, with the frailty of a sick beauty.

Qin Youxuan, who is also a woman, is very disgusted by the frailty that Gu Panjian deliberately reveals.

  Especially Ito Chiba tried to create conflicts directly between her and Shan Hanjie at the beginning. As long as she thinks about it, Qin Youxuan doesn't like her at all.

  Even the basic politeness was saved, and even the tea was not served by the housekeeper.

  The butler also seemed to know. In the past, when guests came, he would take the initiative to serve tea. Today, I was standing by the side without any response.

   "Where's Jie? Is he away?"

  Ito Chiwa did not expect that the person coming down from the stairs was Qin Youxuan. She was slightly surprised, got up from the sofa, and looked behind her.

   "My husband is here, this question doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, what is your purpose here?" Qin Youxuan walked to the sofa, sat lazily, resting her chin with one hand, and staring at her indifferently.

  I haven't seen it for so long, and Chiba Ito has become more and more seductive.

  When she was young, she knew how to make a man go crazy for her. The year she disappeared was the little fairy who made her suddenly enter the mountain to practice.

  Suddenly reborn.

  The originally outstanding facial features have become coquettish and charming because of the moisturizing of men.

  Simple and smooth, long hair does not go through any perm dyeing, so it falls naturally and smoothly on both sides of the face.

  A clean white short skirt makes her youthful and beautiful, and simple and harmless.

  If Qin Youxuan hadn't seen her insidiousness, I was afraid that she would relax her vigilance if she saw her like this.

   "I just want to see Jie, you don't have to be so wary of me."

  Ito Chiba seemed to not put Qin Youxuan in his eyes at all, glanced at her lightly, and looked at the position of the stairs eagerly.

   does not seem to believe that Shan Hanjie is not there.

   "If Miss Qianyu came here today to meet my husband, then I am sorry, I am afraid you will be disappointed, butler, see off!" Qin Youxuan stood up from the sofa, a trace of anger in his eyes.

   "Qin Youxuan, if you drive me away, you will regret it!"

  Ito Chiba saw walking towards her and immediately stood up and roared excitedly.

   "You told me, what can I regret?" Qin Youxuan held her shoulders with her hands, her expression disapproving.

  The woman came here, ignoring her existence, and opened her mouth to see her husband. If she didn't drive her away, her brain would be flooded.

"Don’t tell me you don’t know what I came to the United States for this time. Ito’s new energy development project is now discussing cooperation with the Shan’s consortium. The person in charge is Shan Yi. If the talks are done, Shan Yi will not I will let go of this opportunity to deal with Ji Shao!"

  Ito Chiba yelled triumphantly, and looked at Qin Youxuan provocatively.

   "Now, I am the one who can help him."

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