365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1775: Retribution is unhappy, life is still more virtuous

   "Who gave me the confidence to let me run wild with me?" Qin Youxuan smiled four or two thousands of kilograms, and looked at Ito Chiba like a clown.

   "Do you like to come to me to find your presence every time you have some chips in your hands? Didn't I tell you that the methods you use are not in my eyes."


   "I believe that Shan Hanjie can handle the affairs of the Shan Group well, not only because I believe in his ability, but also because I believe in my own vision."

  Qin Youxuan sneered, and Tibu walked towards Chiba Ito.

   Looking at her condescendingly, with the corners of her mouth curled up.

   "What if the Shan Group collapses, haven't you watched the news? Now the entire Ye family belongs to me. It's amazing that I raise him."

  She is no longer an illegitimate daughter who has nothing, but the heir who owns the entire Ye family.

  Even if Shan Hanjie has nothing, she has the ability to help him make a comeback.

  She no longer needs to tolerate the arrogance of the woman who pretends her husband in front of her for any ridiculous inferiority complex.


  Ito Chiba was choked by her to speak.

  It's not that she hasn't heard that Qin Youxuan is the daughter of the Ye family, but she can't believe it.

  A woman who has nothing, suddenly turned into a daughter who is more noble than her.

  I can still despise her so proudly now.

"Don't forget that the Ito family's energy development case has affected more than just Jie's position in the consortium. If Shan's family really falls into Shan Yi's hands, even if you have Ye's family in your hands, I'm afraid it will also turn around. "

  The three major Chinese business families have suffered successive blows since the death of Ye Zhanxing. This is the time to recuperate.

  If Shan Jia really fell into Shan Yi's hands, turned around, and joined forces with Yu Xiuzun to deal with the Ye Family, the Ye Family would indeed be defeated.

"You are too confident, not to mention how much influence a cooperation case can have. It is true. I also believe my husband. Ito’s new energy development is really so powerful. You don’t have to be intimidating and tempting with me. Wait until you are successful before showing off. I'll wait."

  Qin Youxuan hit the nail on the head.


  Ito Chiba choked at once, gave her a fierce look, then turned and left.

   "I hope you won't have a day of regret!"

   "The same thing, also given to Miss Qian Yu, retribution is unhappy, but still more virtuous in life." Qin Youxuan opened her lips slowly.


  Ito Chiwa staggered, turned his head and gritted his teeth angrily, clenched his fists and walked out.

  As soon as Ito Chiba left, Qin Youxuan's face sank.

  Thinking about it, walked to the phone, ready to call Shan Hanjie.

  The phone dialed up and was picked up soon.

   "Shan Hanjie, where are you?" Qin Youxuan said aggrievedly, her voice soft, with a hint of coquetry.

"Behind you."

  Shan Hanjie's deep magnetic voice rang in his ears, and Qin Youxuan was stunned.

   After blinking the cat's eyes twice, he reacted, hung up the phone, and ran towards the door.

   plunged into his arms and raised his head, "Why did you come back so early today?"

   "I come back to see why my little wild cat is upset." Shan Hanjie squeezed her small face dozingly, carried her on his shoulder with one hand, and strode towards the living room.

"I'm going to vomit!"

  Qin Youxuan waved his arms in protest. She is not a sack, how could he carry it!

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