Jin Chenye stiffened and looked back at her subconsciously.

  Ye Mingmei slept very deep, her beautiful little face was red with whiteness, she was not as ostentatious and full of wild beauty as Qin Youxuan, and her little face without powder was added with a touch of the delicate and tranquility of a little sister next door.

  Because of the tossing back and forth of the nightgown on her body, the originally unfastened cord has been loosened a little.

  The neckline was slightly open, and the quilt did not cover the place, revealing a piece of fair skin.

  Jin Chenye's eyes deepened, and he fixedly looked at the little hand holding his clothes.

   Ye Mingmei didn’t seem to know what she had done, pursed her lips, said something, her hand tightened.

  Jin Chenye's body was slightly stiff, and his hand fisted suddenly.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei in front of her, her eyes were complicated.

  The assistant's words rang in his mind.

"Mr. Jin, I have checked as you ordered. Miss Ye had contacted Ms. Qin before leaving the United States. Also, as you might expect, the reason why the negotiation of the cooperation case was advanced was also Ms. Qin's request. So You will come to Paris for a business trip on the same day..."

Ha ha.

  She knew everything, but sent him to Ye Mingmei’s plane to leave the United States.

  Qin Youxuan's thoughts, how could he not guess.

  Is she worried about her sister, or is she really hoping that something will happen to him and Ye Mingmei?

  Qin Youxuan knows him too well, knowing that if he encounters Ye Mingmei who has fled the United States by chance, he will not stand idly by.

  Knowing that Ye Mingmei is alone in a foreign country, it is impossible to really ignore it.

  He knew everything, but still followed the routine she envisioned, destroying the aviation record for Ye Mingmei, and bringing Ye Mingmei with him.

  If he has something to happen to Ye Mingmei next, can everyone be relieved?

  Jin Chenye's eyes dimmed, and he looked down at Ye Mingmei, who was sleeping peacefully.

  His eyes fell on Ye Mingmei's little hand holding him.

  Slowly lowered her head close to her face, and pressed her lips gently...


  A luxury hotel in Paris.

presidential suite.

  Yu Xiu's long figure is stuck in the sofa, his slender legs are lazily overlapping, and he is still holding a glass of red wine in his hand, shaking gently.

  Short linen hair with a hint of capable, cold eyes, falcon-like eyes, staring straight at the photos scattered on the coffee table, revealing a shady bird.

  He has been in Paris for four days.

  As early as the first day in Paris, his people had already found out Ye Mingmei’s whereabouts.

  It’s very strange. The anger he knew she was with Jin Chenye had miraculously disappeared after arriving in Paris.

  He wants to see her, with an indescribable expectation.

  Want to see how she would react when he appeared in front of her.

  Almost immediately, Yu Xiuzhun rushed to the hotel where she was.

  Unexpectedly, he would be rushed and didn't find her in the hotel. After waiting for a day, he saw Jin Chenye send her back.

   Just a glance, Yu Xiuzhun was stung by the bright smile on her face.

  It was the smile he had never seen on her face, so relaxed, so happy...

  The cheerful look made him want to go up and ruin it!

  It was a ghost, and he was just stunned in the end, without any action.

  Even when she was close to him, she hid like a thief, hiding by the stone pillar beside her, avoiding her sight.

  Looking at her back, what she had said suddenly appeared in her mind.

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