365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1786: Would you say it to me again? !

  He is the nightmare in her life...

  Leaving him, she seemed very happy.

  In the past four days, Yu Xiuzhun was like a shady shadow, staying in this hotel all the time, watching the messages sent by her men from time to time.

  The living room is full of photos of Ye Mingmei.

  From when she woke up and left the hotel, to when she returned to the hotel at night.

  Photos of her shopping, photos of work, photos of eating, even photos of her in a daze...

  Yu's life is rare and simple, that is, looking at Ye Mingmei in the camera every day.

  Watching her leave him and start a new life again.

  Looking at her beside another man, she smiled sweetly and brightly.

  Yun Xiuzhun never knew that a woman who has always been as timid as a mouse can have so many expressions on her face.

   vividly makes people unable to remove their eyes.

  Being in front of him, he would always tremble with fear, only annoyingly annoying.

  She laughs constantly when she is shopping. She doesn't like high-end luxury brands. She likes to go shopping for roadside stalls on the streets of Paris.

  Those things that are worthless in the eyes of Yu Xiuzhun, she will hold them as a baby, and carefully carry them all the way.

  She likes to eat, even if she looks like an elegant lady on the surface, when she sees something delicious, those eyes that become sparkling in an instant can't conceal her careful thoughts.

  I was crazy when I went to work, talking non-stop all morning, but I didn’t drink a glass of water.

  This is different from the woman around Yu Xiuzun.

  Yu Yueman only likes to hold the card he gave, and constantly swipe and brush every day, buying, buying and buying.

   Ye Mingmei still hates high heels...

  Yun Xiuzhun reached out and pinched a photo on the coffee table. In the photo, Ye Mingmei stood alone on the stone bridge on the Seine River.

  The setting sun, orange afterglow on her body, very beautiful and very natural.

  She took a few steps, took off her shoes, and carried them in her hands, ignoring the unusual eyes of the people around her. The pleasant expression on her face was very contagious.

  Yu Xiuzhun's hand holding the photo was a little tight, and he changed to another one.

  The location is a well-known restaurant.

  She was eating with Jin Chenye and sat face to face across a table, but Jin Chenye must not be able to see it. She quietly took off her high heels.

  They didn't know what they were talking about, Ye Mingmei smiled happily.

   Can’t tell if the content of the chat is happy, or take off her shoes, which makes her feel very comfortable.

  Looking at the smile on her face, Yu Xiuzun was in a complicated mood as if he was engaged in a tug-of-war.

  It's like something you want to own, but you can't get, and you can't restrain the heart that you want to destroy...


  The door of the room was knocked suddenly.

  The assistant walked in quickly, "Yu Shao, Miss Ye is back to the hotel."

"I know."

  Yunxiu pinched the photo in his hand into a ball, threw it on the coffee table, quickly gathered all the expressions on his face, and opened his lips indifferently.

  Ye Mingmei did not live with Jin Chenye. Jin Chenye would take her back to the hotel and leave every day. Yu Xiu knew about this as early as the first day in Paris.

  Otherwise he would not be so calm and let her get entangled with Jin Chenye.

   "But Yu Shao, Miss Ye is drunk tonight. Jin Chenye took her into the room. It has been more than an hour, and it hasn't come out yet..." the assistant replied with some anxiety.

   "You tell me again?!"

  Yunxiu stood up abruptly, her eyes like falcons, quickly dyed with a trace of blood, and he let out a low growl.


  PS: Five chapters will be updated first, there will be updates in the evening, so please beg for tickets (^o^)/~

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