365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1787: I'm afraid it's a step slow

   "Jin Chenye entered Miss Ye's room. It has been more than an hour, and Miss Ye is still drunk. I heard from the front desk of the hotel that she was very drunk..."


  The assistant hadn’t finished speaking, Yu Xiuzun kicked on the coffee table. The coffee table shook suddenly, and many photos slipped from the edge of the coffee table.

  Yun Xiu's eyes dimmed, and he folded his body to give out a terrifying light. Stepping on those photos, he quickly grabbed the jacket next to him and rushed out of the room.

   Without waiting for the assistant to recover, he rushed out of the hotel, got in the car, and hurried towards the Seine River Hotel where Ye Mingmei was.

  As soon as the car left for a while, Yu Xiuzun ran into a red light and was so angry that he slammed the steering wheel.

  Damn, he was worried that Ye Mingmei would find her at the time, and deliberately stayed in a hotel far away from her. Now it was a drag racing, it would take more than ten minutes to delay.

  Two people were in the hotel room for nearly two hours, and what should have happened had already happened.

  Yun Xiuzhun, as long as he thinks of this possibility, he wants to kill someone with chagrin!

  In addition to anger in his chest, there was also a hint of panic that was not easily noticeable. The heartbeat had been for a few seconds, and the rhythm had been completely chaotic.


  As soon as the car arrived at the door of the hotel, before it stopped, Yu Xiuzhun pushed the door straight down.

  Ye Mingmei's room number and her registered ID number Yu Xiu memorized early and reported her information at the front desk, and someone immediately led him into the visitor elevator leading to the top floor.

The moment    stepped out of the elevator, Yu Xiuzun's body was filled with a bloodthirsty and cold breath.

  Walking to the door of Ye Mingmei’s room, Yu Xiuzhun gave up knocking on the door and pulled out the gun directly, hitting the lock with a shot, kicking the door open.

  It was quiet in the living room, without any movement.

  There is no chaotic scene either.

  Yun Xiuzun glanced around, without stopping, he walked straight to the bedroom.

   Put his hand on the edge of the door and tried it. The door was not locked and there was no movement inside.

   took a deep breath, Yu Xiuzun didn't even notice it, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his palm.

   Pushed open the door and walked in.

  The bedroom is very quiet, a kind of warm and quiet.

  There is no scene as unsightly as imagined, and there is not even a trace of movement.

  Ye Mingmei slept alone on the big white bed, with the quilt covering her chest, her peaceful sleeping face, with a touch of femininity.

   seemed to be surprised by the sound of his footsteps, frowned slightly, muttered, and fell asleep again.

  Under the dim light, her small face, which had not yet faded from alcohol, was stained with a hint of crimson, showing a melancholy.

  Yu Xiu's quasi-furious mood, for a moment, it was like an emergency landing from the Huoyan Mountain back to the ground in an instant. In such a short period of time, the ups and downs of the mood were beyond words.

   glanced around, but did not find Jin Chenye in her bedroom.

  Stepping into the bathroom, there is nothing except Ye Mingmei's soaked clothes in the bathtub.

  Yun Xiu's quasi-looking handsome face passed a faint light, and turned back to the room. As soon as he approached Ye Mingmei, he could still clearly smell the alcohol on her body.

  How much alcohol did she drink?

  Yu Xiuzhun unceremoniously reached out and tore off the quilt on her body, and reached out to untie the bathrobe on her body.

  Everything about her just came into his eyes.

  There is no unusual trace.

  Jin Chenye didn't touch her, so he left.

  Yuan's quasi-impaired eyes flashed, and a touch of complexity passed.

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