
   Ye Mingmei felt a little cold, and groaned unconsciously.

  Yun Xiuzhun almost didn't even think about it, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms.

   Ye Mingmei slept in a dazed state, suddenly a little dazed.

  Opening his eyes, in the dim light, seeing the man next to him, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.

  The little hand subconsciously reached out and touched his chest.

  Yun Xiu Zhun came to Paris for so many days, every day watching her smile sweetly beside other men, she was suffocated a long time ago.

  When everything subsided, Ye Mingmei was already tired and fell asleep in his arms.

   Seeing her obedient appearance made Yu Xiuzun happy a lot.

  She is really drunk.

  The first time, when they were together, she cooperated so obediently.

  It's not like the horrified eyes shown every time I saw him, every time I touched him, I kept crying.

  Today's Ye Mingmei is a little stupid, but very cute.

  Yun repaired the quasi-eye light and softened, stretched out his hand to hug her tightly, and slowly closed the evil eye.


  Sky just appeared white.

  On the horizon, there is a hint of golden.

  The earth has been dyed with such a color full of vitality, and a new day has begun.


  A cell phone ringing interrupted the silence in the room.

  Yuan Xiuzun glanced at the caller ID, and quickly pressed mute.

   Carefully removed the little head resting on his chest, turned over and got out of bed, and walked to the balcony with his phone.

"Yu Shao, Mr. Rum from Thailand has arrived in Paris. Now I want to see you. Mr. Rum is an important partner for the goods in Thailand. This time I come here, I want to talk to you about expanding the supply channels. thing."

  The assistant's voice is clearly transmitted from the phone.

   "I see, I have decided on a place for negotiation. I will pass now." When Yu Xiuzhun said this, he subconsciously looked in Ye Mingmei's direction.

  She was still asleep, half-prone on the bed, and the quilt slipped off her body.

  Yun Xiu's eyes flickered, hung up the phone, and stepped towards her.

  The long finger shaved her delicate face, couldn't help but bowed her head and kissed her, before reaching out and grabbing the shirt next to her, she slowly put it on her body.

   Putting on her clothes, she turned around and took a look at Ye Mingmei.


   Ye Mingmei slept very deep, and he was tossed with a hangover all night, at this time she was too tired to open her eyes.

  Yu Xiuzhun just rubbed her long hair, worrying about waking her up, so he stopped.

  I can't bear it in the end.

  Long fingers stroked her cherry lips, lightly nodded, the evil eyes gathered, turned around and left the hotel room.

  The assistant had been waiting outside early in the morning.

   "Yu Shao, the hotel has already been set up, and the door lock will be repaired immediately. Don't worry, Miss Ye will not be in danger."

   "Let them move faster." Yu Xiuzhun took the tie handed over by his assistant, and tied it around his neck calmly. The image of Young Master Pian Pian immediately appeared in front of the person.

  As long as he thought of Ye Mingmei sleeping so dead, the door of the room was shot and broken by him, he couldn't leave at ease.

   "Yes, yes, it will be here soon."

  As soon as the assistant's voice fell, someone hurried over here.

  Yun Xiuzhun glanced, and looked at his assistant, "Give me the address, you stay here, and come back when the door lock is repaired."


  The assistant was shocked, but had to obediently report the address of the meeting with Mr. Rum.

  Looking at Yu Xiuzun abandoning him, turned around and left.

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