Now it’s different. If Shan Hanjie is willing, Ito’s will be his partner. They have unlimited possibilities.

  "Miss Qianyu should pay attention to her words. I don't remember any discrepancies between me and my uncle. On the contrary, I can sit in my position today. Thanks to my uncle's careful cultivation, how can he harm me."

  Shan Hanjie wanted to hear some joke, so he glanced at Ito Chiba coldly and opened his lips casually.

   reached out and pulled Qin Youxuan up and circled it into his arms.

  "Is it delicious? Compared to the imported orange juice prepared by the butler, do you like that better?"

   "Of course it is a good drink prepared at home. Drinking orange juice at home, I can't see the annoying person, and I am in a good mood." Qin Youxuan raised her pretty face and responded with a smile.

  After the words were over, I also glanced at Ito Chiba.

  The look in her eyes is like saying, here, she is the nasty person.

   "Then go home and drink." Shan Hanjie embraced her waist and turned to leave the venue.

  "I haven't finished the drink in my hand." Qin Youxuan pulled his arm, and the cat blinked, still worried that Shan Hanjie had gone too early and someone would trouble him.

   "It's too late to go home, let's just drink this first." Qin Youxuan twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Ito Chiba.

   "Miss Qian Yu, our husband and wife have other matters, so we won’t be with you."


  Ito Chiyu heard Qin Youxuan's words and looked at Shan Hanjie unwillingly.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes twitched slightly, his indifferent expression revealed a trace of coldness, as if he hadn't seen her at all.

   pulled Qin Youxuan and left here.

  Qin Youxuan walked away a few steps, and looked back, Chiwa Ito was standing on the grass and stomping angrily.

  Her lips ticked.

   "Husband, you made Ito Chiwa's face green just now, I love you so much!" Qin Youxuan immediately turned around and kissed the corner of his mouth when he reached a place with few people.

   smiled and curled his eyebrows.

  Every time Ito Chiba saw her, he would eagerly approach her and say a lot of nasty things to her.

   Although it will not affect her mood, no one likes the feeling that her husband is being stared at all the time.

  Qin Youxuan wanted to clean up her a long time ago, but she did not think of a way that Shan Hanjie’s light and fluttering words today were a big blow to Ito Chiyu.

  No matter how sharp the words are, they can’t compare to your hard work. The person you want doesn’t even want to look at you straight.

  Shan Hanjie did nothing, and Chiba Ito turned pale.

   "Just a kiss?" Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, staring displeasedly at Qin Youxuan who had only kissed him and then retreated.

   reached out and fished her into his arms.

  "Since I have performed so well, I should double the reward!" The words fell, and her lips were blocked quickly.



  Entrance to the manor.

   Ye Mingmei dressed in a gorgeous dress, holding Jin Chenye’s hand into the venue.

   glanced around, but didn't see Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan. The two looked at each other, and both felt that they would go up and greet Ye's partner first.

  Give a greeting.

"High heels make your feet uncomfortable. You hold my hand and give me the weight of your body, so that walking will be easier." Jin Chenye turned his head and glanced at Ye Mingmei's high heels, his warm voice was like a breeze. Over the ears.

   Ye Mingmei's dress skirt is a bit long, and the heel must be higher to look good.

  She is used to driving, and she won’t find it hard, but her heart is still warm when she hears Jin Chenye’s considerate care.

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