"I'm fine."

   "We don't need to be strong when we are tired. We can rest for a while before leaving." Jin Chenye asked again before leading Ye Mingmei forward.

  On the grass of the manor, a high platform was built.

  The dinner party has officially begun. Shan Yi is standing on the high platform, holding a microphone and talking about the future development of the Shan consortium.

  In that posture, it looks like he is Shan’s CEO.

  As an important partner in this investment case, Ito Hiroshi is standing on the stage, closest to Shan Yi.

  The pride on the faces of the two old foxes seemed to have controlled the entire Shan's consortium.

   "The villain has the will." Ye Mingmei couldn't help muttering.

   raised his head and found that Jin Chenye was looking at her, scratching his head embarrassedly, "They are so annoying."

   "It doesn't matter, you should be like this. You can express whatever you think in your heart." Jin Chenye patted her head encouragingly.

  Turned his head and looked around in the audience, but did not find Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan, and frowned slightly.

  "Didn’t they come first? Why didn’t they see people? Did something happen?"

   "Youxuan and Shan Hanjie are together, what can happen, don't worry, Jie Shao means that you have something to do, and you won't let Youxuan have any problems." Ye Mingmei put aside and said in a relieved comfort.


  Jin Chenye's eyes froze slightly, and he hesitated for a few seconds before looking down at her.

   "I am worried that it was the two of them."

   "...I am too preconceived, thinking you care about my sister." Ye Mingmei touched her nose in embarrassment.

  It seems that after knowing that Jin Chenye liked Qin Youxuan, she always made such associations.

  Looking at what he did before, I didn’t think there was anything.

  Now as long as you pay attention, you will find that his eyes seem to follow Qin Youxuan all the time.

What    says and does everything will be related to Qin Youxuan.

  Ye Mingmei wonders if she is too sensitive and has a ghost in her heart. Everyone looks like a ghost.

  But it is undeniable that Jin Chenye really cares about Qin Youxuan, beyond the concern of his brothers and sisters.

  Even if he hides it well, he knows that he can lie to others, but he can’t lie to himself.


   "Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone, I know and I have forgotten it." Ye Mingmei promised with a small hand.

  Jin Chenye gave her a helpless look, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  I looked up and saw that Shan Yi's speech was over, so I was going to bring Ye Mingmei up to greet Ye's partners and talk about the cooperation for the next season.

  The biggest function of upper class banquets is to provide an open trading venue.

  Ye Mingmei’s time to enter the business district is short after all. She has followed Ye Zhanxing, but she has seen many of Ye’s partners, but in terms of business negotiation skills, she still needs to rely on Jin Chenye’s hand-in-hand teaching.

  "Yu Xiuzhun..."

  Ye Mingmei had just walked two steps forward, when she saw the man approaching oncoming, her footsteps stopped abruptly.

   His eyes fell on the woman next to Yu Xiuzun, and Zi pupil tightened.

  "Mr. Jin, Miss Ye, how are you."

  Yun Xiuzhun walked forward with her female companion. Before Jin Chenye and Ye Mingmei could react, the woman took the initiative to say hello.

  Beautiful face, **** figure, with a fitted dress...

  A very bright woman, and very familiar.

  It should be the daughter of a business man.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei, she was very enthusiastic.

  Yu Xiuzhun's face was cold, and when he saw Ye Mingmei standing with Jin Chenye, his eyes became cold for an instant.


  PS: There are only four changes today. These few days are too busy, staying up all night every day, tired to the brain is not enough, today as a day off for the demon explosion, I will adjust it as soon as possible in the two days to stabilize the update time. (^o^)/~

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