The room was emptied in a moment.

   There is only one half-and-a-half noise left by Yu Xiuzhun.

  Junyi's figure was standing in the middle of the living room, her evil eyes narrowed slightly, and she stared at her fist dullly, without responding.

  He never thought she would pounce on him, nor did he think about hitting her.

  When he realized it, it was too late to close his punches.

  He wanted to punch Jin Chenye with that punch, so he didn't save any strength.

He knew how heavy    was.

  The more he thought about it, Yu Xiuquan's heart tightened suddenly.

  She hated him, but now she doesn’t want to see him...

  In order to protect Jin Chenye, she didn’t even want her life...

  Yun Xiu Zhun's fist slowly dropped to his side, making a creak.


   "Mingmei, can you still hear me?" Jin Chenye quickly got into the car holding Ye Mingmei and ordered his assistant to rush to the hospital.

  Ye Mingmei kept her eyes open, but did not speak, her nose and corners of her mouth were bleeding, and she seemed to be hurt.

  She could hear what Jin Chenye said, but there was no way to answer, she could only look at him firmly.

  The little hand grabbed the corner of his clothes.

  My mind was blank for a long time.

   His brain sinks as if he is about to lose consciousness at any time, and his chest feels nauseous.

   "You can bear it again, and you will be at the hospital immediately." Jin Chenye looked at her uncomfortable look, suddenly raised his head, "Drive faster, why is the speed so slow!"

   "Mr. Jin, it is already speeding, no matter how fast, I am afraid that someone will stop the car." The assistant replied respectfully, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand.

   "I heard it, it's already the fastest. You can get to the hospital soon. Don't be afraid, nothing will happen." Jin Chenye wiped the blood on Ye Mingmei's face with a handkerchief, while comforting.

  After buffering for nearly ten minutes, Ye Mingmei slowly became conscious, and said, "I'm fine..."

   "Well, it's okay, it's okay." Jin Chenye tightly guarded her, his expression was unusually flustered, and Ye Mingmei's heart was tight.

  The little hand yanked his clothes vigorously, and then repeated, "Senior, I, nothing..."

   "I know you will be fine. If you feel uncomfortable, stop talking. I'll be in the hospital soon."


   Ye Mingmei said it was okay, but in fact her mind really hurts.

When   Yun Xiuzun first hit her with that punch, she thought for a moment that she would die.

  When the car stopped at the gate of the hospital, Ye Mingmei couldn't help but fainted.

   "Quickly, inform the doctor to prepare for the examination!" Jin Chenye pushed the car door and quickly rushed in with Ye Mingmei in his arms.

  The medical staff who received the call early in the morning had already waited there first, and saw Jin Chenye appear and immediately took the person from him.

  "She received a heavy blow to the head, bleeding in her nose and mouth, and her consciousness recovered, but she soon fell into a coma..." Jin Chenye briefly stated the situation to the doctor.

   "Mr. Jin, we are going to check on Miss Ye now. You will wait a while outside." The doctor nodded and immediately ordered the medical staff to push Ye Mingmei to the examination room.

  The corridor was empty for a moment.

  There is only one Jin Chenye left, and an assistant who is going to go through the formalities.

  "Mr. Jin, Miss Ye has an accident, do you want to notify Madam Ye and Miss Qin?" The assistant just turned around to go through the admission procedures, walked a few steps, stopped again, and asked back.

  "Not for the time being, wait until Mingmei wakes up, let them know now, but a few more people are worried."


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