"Yes, the subordinates know." The assistant didn't talk any more, and immediately went down to go through the hospitalization procedures for Ye Mingmei.

  Only Jin Chenye was left in the corridor, sitting quietly on a chair, waiting for Ye Mingmei in the examination room.


  "Ms. Ye received a heavy blow to her cheekbones and had a slight concussion. For the time being, no intracranial hemorrhage or more serious conditions have been found. For safety reasons, it is recommended to be hospitalized for observation for a few days."

  The doctor quickly completed the examination for Ye Mingmei.

   "We have transferred the patient to the VIP ward. Mr. Jin can visit now. I believe Miss Ye will wake up soon."

   "Thank you."

  Jin Chenye Junyi's figure stood up from the chair, thanked him softly, and walked towards Ye Mingmei's ward.

  Not long after entering the ward, Ye Mingmei woke up.


Lying on the hospital bed collapsed, he saw Jin Chenye approaching her, his beautiful eyes flashed, and he screamed weakly.

  "If you feel uncomfortable, just lie down, don’t force it, I’m here and I can’t go."

  Jin Chenye heard her voice, immediately stepped forward and gently pressed her shoulder.

  The voice is gentle but with a touch of distress.

  "Don’t be so stupid next time. This punch almost killed you. If something happens to you, how should I explain to your sister."

  Jin Chenye's gentle pupil flickered slightly, stretched his hand over the chair next to him, and sat down.

   "It's for the sake of my sister, I can't let the seniors get hurt." Ye Mingmei put her hands on the edge of the bed, trying to sit up.

  "Let me come." Jin Chenye quickly got up, walked to the end of the bed, and raised the head of the bed for her.

  He took two more pillows intimately and raised Ye Mingmei's head.

  "Do you want to drink water?"

  Jin Chenye picked up the cup, poured a cup of warm water for Ye Mingmei, and put it next to her.

   "Thank you."

  Ye Mingmei picked up the water glass, took a sip before continuing.

"I know that you are good to me because of my sister. You have taken care of me very much. If it weren't for me, Yu Xiuzhun wouldn't be angry with you. This punch should have been me, senior Don't feel guilty."

   Ye Mingmei tugged at the corner of her mouth, trying to laugh, but she pulled the wound on her face.

   took a breath.

   reached out and touched his left face, only to realize that a large bag was swollen on his face, and a thin layer of gauze was already attached.

"Don't say such silly things, nothing should be done, let alone, I take care of you, never because of You Xuan." Jin Chenye held her hand, her generous palm, and held her small hand tightly in the palm in.

   "Don't touch the wound on your face, it is very swollen, I am afraid it will take a while to completely invisible."


   Ye Mingmei was stunned, looking at him blankly.

  Not because of Jin Chenye’s concern, nor because he held her hand, but because of what he said just now.

   "What did you say? You care about me, not because..."

  "It has nothing to do with Youxuan." Jin Chenye interrupted her with certainty, and gently let go of her hand, his tall body leaned against the back of the chair.

  The look became relaxed and soft.

  "I remember that you are my school girl, and we have known each other for a short time. Plus, because Mr. Ye has appreciated me, I will take care of you in any sense. It was never because of Youxuan."

  Jin Chenye paused, looking at Ye Mingmei’s wrong face.

   "I admit that because of Youxuan, I will promise to help you cheat and fix the accuracy, but even if you don't have Youxuan, I won't stand by."

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