As soon as she turned around, Yu Xiuzun grabbed her waist from behind and brought the person into her arms.

   "You let me go..."

"I am sorry."


   "Ye Mingmei, I'm sorry." Yu Xiuzun noticed her stiff body, suddenly let go of her hand, and turned her around.

  Faced with her sluggish little face, her thin lips opened slightly.

   "I never thought about hitting you, but you rushed out too suddenly, I didn't have time to stop."


  Is it going to rain today?

  Yu Xiuzun even apologized to her, and he was still explaining to her.

  If it's not that her face hurts too much, Ye Mingmei can't help but want to pinch herself to see if she is dreaming.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you let me go first, I can't breathe." Ye Mingmei was tightly pinched in her arms. After a while, her face flushed and her body moved.

  "If you really want to apologize, you should apologize when you call me. Now what is the use of this? You just pinched me and said I deserved it!"

  Face changing is really the same as flipping a book, too fast.

  She has to wonder if she has hallucinations.

   Ye Mingmei couldn't think of it. What she said just now caused Yu Xiu's attitude to turn a hundred and eighty degrees.

   "You owe you, stupid." Yu Xiuquan curled his lips coldly.


   Ye Mingmei was completely speechless now, and she pulled away his arm and walked out.

   Staying in the same room with Yu Xiuzun again, she is really worried that she can't help but chop him into meat sauce with a knife.

   "Ye Mingmei, I have already apologized."

  Yun Xiuzhun grabbed her back and raised her eyebrows.

  Unhappy lips.

   "So what? I don't accept it. Just apologize a hundred times. I don't accept it!" Ye Mingmei shouted vigorously with her cheeks popping.

   His eyes were red with anger.

"How is my attitude? Isn't it better than you? Don't tell me you don't know that you laugh like a flower in front of Jin Chenye. When you see me, it's no different from the hell. I'm kind enough to not pinch Damn you!"

  Yu Xiuzhun clasped her wrists, gritted his teeth and growled.

   Ye Mingmei was stunned for a moment, and blinked her eyes in surprise.

  "The senior didn’t offend me. Of course I would smile at him. You are self-aware, knowing that you are scarier than ghosts. I see you don’t run and I’m brave..."

   Ye Mingmei said more and more quietly.

  Looking at Yu Xiu's quasi-yin-yin eyes, afterwards, he simply swallowed into his stomach.

   "Say, why don't you keep talking." Yu Xiuzhun pinched her hand bones and gritted her teeth.

  The cold look makes people shudder.

   Ye Mingmei frowned in pain, biting her lip.

   met his horrible eyes and trembled.

   "You just said to apologize to me, and threatened me in a blink of an eye. You have no sincerity at all, and no one will forgive you."

   "It's not that you don't accept it, it doesn't matter if I am sincere." Yu Xiuquan molar.

Ye Mingmei shrank her neck, "If you are a little sincere, maybe I will accept it. Who made you so fierce at the time? My face was swollen. The doctor said that you almost broke the picture. I didn't make a claim with you. Not bad, you only apologized so late and even threatened me, so I didn't want to talk to you."


   is really a woman who has no position, Yu Xiuzhun suffocated in her chest.

   couldn't pull the bottom, to admit that he had misunderstood her at the time to protect Jin Chenye, so he wanted to strangle her to death.

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