365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1909: You don't let me talk

   "Hey, you are still holding my hand now, my hand is bruised, do you have a tendency to abuse?" Ye Mingmei tugged hard, unable to withdraw her hand at all.

  Her wrists are ripped red.

  Yun Xiu let go of her quasi-hands, let go of her wrist, but took the person into her arms.

   "Ye Mingmei, my bottom line is already very low, don't challenge my patience, I don't guarantee that I can always spoil you." Yu Xiuzun's voice was deep, with a hint of warning.

   "I don't want you to spoil me. It's fine if you don't scare me." Before Ye Mingmei finished speaking, his waist was tight and he couldn't breathe in pain.

   "Dare to talk back to me?"


  It's a difficult man to serve, she just becomes a dumb.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip and stared at him.

   Allowed Yu Xiuzhun to warn her for a long time, but did not answer the conversation.

  In the end, Yu Xiuzhun completely sank his face, "Speak!"

   "You didn't let me talk, I can save my saliva, anyway, you won't listen to me what I say." Ye Mingmei grumbled aggrievedly.

   "If you are obedient, I will consider giving you a chance to express your opinion, but at present, it seems that you are not good at all." Yu Xiu raised his eyebrows lazily, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his approach.

  If you listen to Ye Mingmei, he should be kicked out of Ye's house now.

  He is not stupid, knowing that Ye Mingmei wants to stay away from him, this time she will give her the right to choose.

  Yu Xiu's quasi evil eyes flickered slightly, and he stared down at Ye Mingmei, whose face was flushed, his eyes slowly deepened.

   His head lowered, just about to kiss her lips, the phone rang.

  "...You have a phone call, I, I will go back to the room first." Ye Mingmei noticed the unusual temperature on his body, so he pushed him away and turned to run.

  Just a few steps away, he heard Yu Xiuzun picking up the phone and pausing in his footsteps.

   "I found someone? How is the injury?"

  Two questions in a row made Ye Mingmei think of what she had heard before.

   Standing in the middle of the living room with a slender body, turned around, looking at Yu Xiuzun who was back to her on the phone, pure Zitong flashed.

  Subconsciously, Ye Mingmei didn't go any further, but took two steps toward Yu Xiuzun's side.

  I want to listen more carefully.

  She wants to know what Yu Xiuzun is doing, and what is his relationship with Shan Hanxi.

  Is he really helping Shan Hanxi to deal with Shan Hanjie?

  In the end, Yu Xiuzun’s goal will become Ye Family...

  Too many doubts made Ye Mingmei worry.

  Not even she herself noticed, she was already very close to Yu Xiuzun, only a step away.

  She can even smell his body and hear the voice from his phone.

   "Young Master Xi has been sent back to Yu's house, but he injured his arm. Now his condition has stabilized, and the doctor has followed him back..."

Ye Mingmei couldn't listen to what    said later.

  That sentence kept echoing in his mind, Master Xi has already sent back to Yu's house...

  Send back to Yu's home...

  Yu Xiuzun really colluded with Shan Hanxi. Their goal was the Shan family, or in other words, the Ye family.

   Ye Mingmei's body trembled, and her face suddenly became ugly.

   He clenched his hands into fists tightly, took a step back, his knees softened, and he almost couldn't stand.

  Looking at Yu Xiuzun in front of her, she was shocked and speechless.

  What the **** did she do to bring a man who wanted to deal with her sister into the Ye family, even thinking of hiding it for him.


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