365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2028: See where you hide this time

  The unparalleled beauty of the face, revealing coldness.

  "Are your eyes slanted? When did I let her out to get something, why didn't I know?"


  The servants in a row were afraid to answer.

  Yu Shao, have you ever said that, only you know.

  Miss Ye came down to pass on your instructions, how dare these servants violate it?

  The butler was also sweating coldly, but he didn't dare to speak out.

  Yu Xiuzhun stood there, his tall body revealing a strange aura.

  Long fingers fell on her chest, where there were nail marks that Ye Mingmei had just grabbed.

  Xie Si's mouth suddenly twitched, raising a smile.

   Ye Mingmei, you can't run for long.

   "Are all the documents ready?" Yu Xiu turned the topic, waved to indicate that the irrelevant servants would withdraw.

  In the living room, only the assistant who had stayed with Shan Hanxi before, and a housekeeper who cleaned up broken wine glasses.

"Back, Yu Shao, the documents sent back by Xi Shaorang's subordinates have been prepared. We can set off to the Shan Group at any time. However, I heard that the police have taken Shan Hanjie away. Going now, I'm afraid I won't see you. To people."

  The assistant said, with a smug smirk on his face.

  "The action was fast enough. Who is in charge of the Shan Group now?" Yu Xiuzhun sat on the sofa, and the butler soon brought him another glass of red wine.

   "It's Qin Youxuan. After I heard that Shan Hanjie was taken away, she was a very courageous woman in charge of the overall situation." The assistant replied respectfully.

   "That's right, I will go to the meeting now."

  Yu Xiu quasi squinted his evil eyes and stood up from the sofa.

  Raised his hand, the butler immediately took the suit jacket and put it on for him respectfully.

  Yu Xiuzun stretched out his hand to tidy up his cuffs, his eyes flashed with calculations.

   Ye Mingmei, let me see where you hide this time.

  Yu Xiu's sharp figure, he stepped out of the villa.

  The car crossed the streets of the city and stopped in front of the skyscrapers of the Shan Group on the golden section of the road.

  The car door was opened, and the assistant respectfully stood outside the car door holding the briefcase, reaching out and pushing the eyes on the bridge of the nose.

   "Yu Shao, here it is."

  Yu Xiuzhun has an extraordinary suit, a deep and three-dimensional facial features, a handsome face slightly sideways, and short flying hair that outlines a cold arc.

   Get out of the car and walk in towards the office building of the Shan Group.

  At the same time, Ye Mingmei received an MMS on her mobile phone.

  The photo is the picture of Yu Xiuzhun arriving at Shan's Group.


   Ye Mingmei shook her hand and the phone fell off.

   "Miss, are you okay?"

  The secretary stood by, reporting to Ye Mingmei on the latest progress of the plan. He caught a glimpse of Ye Mingmei’s dropped cell phone and asked in a worried tone.

   "No, it's okay... Let's report slowly. I have to leave beforehand. If the senior comes over in a while, help me say sorry to him, and I will be back soon."

  This cooperation case is to be submitted to Jin Chenye later, but she is now worried that Yu Xiu will go to Shan’s to find Qin Youxuan in trouble, and she can’t enter anything.

   Ye Mingmei bent over to pick up the phone, and hurriedly left the office with her bag.


  As soon as the elevator door opened and Ye Mingmei was about to walk in, he heard a familiar voice sound from behind.

   "Mingmei, where are you going at this time?" Jin Chenye was walking towards her with the contract in his hand. It seemed that he was going to find her in her office.

   "Senior, I'm in a hurry right now, I will explain to you later, sorry."

   Ye Mingmei didn't have time to say more, she got into the elevator with her slender body and pressed down to the first floor.

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