365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2029: Documents left by Shan Hanxi

  Shan Group.

CEO's office.

  It's been almost half an hour.

  Qin Youxuan sat on the sofa, with no extra expression on her delicate little face, with her hands folded in front of her, just quietly looking at the person on the other side.

  "Young lady, please drink water." Yao followed Qin Youxuan's instructions, took two glasses of pure water, and put them on the table.

   "Thank you."

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes flashed, slowly picked up a cup and took a sip.

   Seeing the man on the opposite side frowned, the smile at the corner of her mouth slowly opened.

   "Is the Shan Group poor enough to entertain guests with pure water." Yu Xiuzhun is a red wine lover, which no one knows in the market.

  Those who want to please him must prepare good red wine.

  I would never entertain him with drinks other than red wine when discussing business.

  As a result, Qin Youxuan asked her assistant to serve two cups of pure water, and Yu Xiuzun's face sank instantly.

   "What Yu Shao said, it is not clear what the Shan Group is doing now, but Yu Shao wouldn't be sitting here today."

  Dan’s group and Yu Jiajing are very different, it is cooperation, it is only a small cooperation, it is not the turn to let Yu Xiuzun come forward in person.

  Yu Xiuzhun's purpose here today is self-evident.


  The office door was pushed open suddenly, and Ye Mingmei's anxious figure appeared outside the door and walked in anxiously.

   Seeing Yu Xiuzun sitting on the sofa, Zitong tightened and his face became a little ugly.

   "Why are you here?"

  Qin Youxuan stood up from the sofa, stepped forward, and pulled Ye Mingmei to her side.

  She has always disapproved that Ye Mingmei had too much contact with Yu Xiuzun. This person is also good and evil, and no one can see through.

  He was able to endure it for so long, until Shan Hanxi passed away before he took action.

  The character of this person really cannot be underestimated.

   "I know he came here, I am worried about you..."

   Ye Mingmei whispered, and then realized that it was useless for her to come, silently lowered her head.

   "I'm fine, and Shan Hanjie will be fine. Those who want to take advantage of the chaos of the Shan group and move their hands and feet behind their backs will not succeed." Qin Youxuan's voice did not deliberately lower.

  Yu Xiuzun, who was sitting opposite, could also hear clearly.

  It is rare, Yu Xiu is not angry.

   Gracefully and calmly picked up the pure water he had just disgusted with, took a sip, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Ye Mingmei who was standing beside Qin Youxuan.

  Evil eyes, with a smile.

  'S deep gaze, as if she could see through Ye Mingmei, she was cold all over, and she subconsciously hid behind Qin Youxuan.

  Want to avoid his sight.

   "Since everyone is here, sit together." Yu Xiu's eyes flashed, and he reached out to his assistant.

  The assistant immediately stepped forward and put a document in his hand.

"The purpose of my coming today is very simple. It is to inform you that Shan Hanjie's legacy about Shan Rong's legacy should be handed over to relevant institutions for evaluation and auction after Shan Hanxi's death, and then the proceeds will be donated. Get out."

  Yun Xiu paused, then slowly raised his head.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan in front of him.

   "And this document is Shan Hanxi's power of attorney before his death, and I will be entrusted with full authority to deal with the auction of Shan Rong's estate."


  Qin Youxuan was shocked and looked at the documents on the desk in a daze.

   stepped forward in disbelief, stretched out his hand and picked it up.

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