Shan Hanjie sat next to her, reached out and took the little guy in Qin Youxuan's arms, and threw it to the nanny next to him.

   "Take the young master out to play, if he makes trouble again, he will be smoked for me." Shan Hanjie said viciously.

  The nanny hurriedly hugged the little guy who hadn't recovered, hugged it carefully, turned and walked out.

  The young master is so cute, they are not willing to scold them, let alone beat them.

  "Don't be aggressive with him, Tingye will be obedient now, and he will hate you." Qin Youxuan took a sip of milk and looked at him disapprovingly.

  Dan Hanjie's treatment of her and Tingye are totally two extremes.

  Tingye is such a smart boy, now he is fighting against Shan Hanjie everywhere.

  "He still dare to hold grudges against his own Laozi?"


  Forget it, if the opposite **** appears within a few meters of her, Shan Hanjie will automatically turn on the vinegar bucket mode.

It is a miracle that she can also hug Tingye and kiss Tingye. If it were not his own, Qin Youxuan would not doubt that Shan Hanjie would take Tingye the second she picked him up. Throw it out.

  Qin Youxuan glanced at Jin Chenye, drank milk in silence, waiting for him to speak.

   "Mingmei was taken away by Yu Xiuzhun, it's been a day." Jin Chenye glanced at Qin Youxuan, straight to the point.

   "What did you say?" Qin Youxuan shook her hand holding the cup, and raised her head in a bit of amazement.

   "No, I called her yesterday, and her tone of voice was not unusual, so she told me that she was in the company..."

  Qin Youxuan was startled, her hand holding the cup tightened, "She lied to me?"

"It’s because I’m not good. I took her out to discuss business. I didn’t expect that Yu Xiu Zhuanhui set up an ambush and suddenly took the people away. I was released the next day. Because I was concerned about Mingmei’s safety, I didn’t call the police, but Called her."

  A gleam of danger flashed across Jin Chenye's gentle face.

   "The situation is the same as what you just said. Mingmei also told me that it was okay. She also told me that she had gone home, but I was worried. I went to Ye's house last night and realized that she hadn't gone back at all."

   "How is Aunt Naru?"

  "Don't worry, I just went back to get the information for Mingmei without telling me. She worked overtime in the company."


  Qin Youxuan was silent for a long time without speaking.

  Yu Xiuzhun took Ye Mingmei away, this is not the first time.

  It’s just never once that Ye Mingmei actually helped Yu Xiuzun and deceived everyone.

  She shouldn't be very afraid of Yu Xiuzun, but this time she didn't let anyone save her. Instead, she hid it.

  Qin Youxuan also did not understand what happened.

   "I am not worried about Yu Xiuzun, but Mingmei herself. She seems to be very close to Yu Xiuzun." Jin Chenye finally expressed his concerns.

  He is the person involved and knows the situation best at the time.

  If Ye Mingmei wants to leave, she should tell him where she is and ask him for help as early as when she receives a call from him.

   But she just hurriedly reported safety and hung up the phone.

  There is also Yu Xiuzun. He clearly wanted to kill him, so why just let his subordinates detain him for one night and let him go...

  Is it Ye Mingmei's love...

  Too many messages can’t be sorted out. The most important thing immediately is to find Ye Mingmei.

  In the United States, his power has not yet been able to compete with the Yu family. If he wants to take people away from the hands of Yu Xiuzhun, he can only rely on the power of the single leaf family.

  Unfortunately, Su Yiru couldn’t let Su Yiru know that Ye Mingmei was with Yu Xiuzun again.

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