"Shall we go to Yujia?" Qin Youxuan turned to look at Shan Hanjie.

  Dan Hanjie leaned on the sofa, his thin lips pressed carelessly, without any intention to speak.

   Hearing Qin Youxuan's words, she glanced at her.

   "Ye Mingmei brought it to the door by herself, but also needs to be rescued?"

  A very simple sentence also shows the attitude.

  "Did you not hear clearly, it was Yu Xiuzun who forcibly took Mingmei away!"

   "Forcibly taken away, can we go to the Yu Group together and go to the seaside together? Yachts, hotels, villas... There are so many tricks." Shan Hanjie's thin lips opened slightly, and he said every word.


  Qin Youxuan was stunned for a moment and looked at him in astonishment.

   "Did you let people track Yu Xiuzheng?"

  It is impossible for Shan Hanjie to pay attention to Ye Mingmei. In his eyes, except for Qin Youxuan, he would not take another look at other women.

   "Yu Xiuzun's hands and feet are not clean. I have to grasp the handle of Yu's family. Of course, I have to start with Yu Xiuzun. I just didn't think that there will be an accident."

  Dan Hanjie’s tone was contemptuous.

  If it weren't for Qin Youxuan, when he first learned that Ye Mingmei was actually mingling with Yu Xiuzhun, he should have taken care of Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei is now in his eyes as a spy walking on both sides.

   "There should be a misunderstanding, Shan Hanjie, I believe my instinct, Mingmei must have her reason for doing this."

   "What reason do I need to follow a man like Yu Xiuzhun?"


  Yes, Shan's family is having such a big quarrel with Yu's family now, Ye Mingmei should have heard about it no matter what.

  How can she still mix with Yu Xiuzun at this time...

   "This matter has a lot to do with Yu Xiuzhun. Anyway, I think we should find Mingmei first to make sure she is okay." Jin Chenye's gentle tone revealed the calmness and calmness as always.

   There is a red mark on his chin, which was left by the person in the private room with Yu Xiuzhun.

  After a day, it is already very light.

   But this red mark reminded him that Ye Mingmei was very reluctant when she left.

  Otherwise, Yu Xiuzhun will not have to perform this performance in front of him.

   "Shan Hanjie..."

  Qin Youxuan looked at him with pleading eyes.

  She was the same as Jin Chenye thought, no matter what, she must see people first.

   "A cat or a dog, you are more important than me!" Shan Hanjie gritted his teeth unwillingly, and finally waved to his feet and walked out the door first.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes lit up, and he was busy keeping up.


  聿's villa.

  The large study room is flooded with sunlight, and the wind blows the curtains, bringing a burst of coolness.

  Yu Xiu's quasi-long figure stood in front of the desk, flipping through a document in his hand, and there was no expression on his stern face.

  The assistant stood in front of him, not daring to breathe.

   "Yu Shao, this is the tail we found yesterday, because the distance is very far, and the other party is only monitoring, and no further action, so it has not been dealt with yet."

   "Shan Hanjie seems to be unable to come up with the money, and is already thinking of ways to cut off my financial path." Zhun Xiu threw the information on the table, supporting the table with one arm.

   "Thinking is beautiful."

   "Yu Shao, what are we going to do next? Shan Hanjie has been letting people follow you. I am afraid that trading will be dangerous at this time, or wait?"

   asked the assistant worriedly.

   "Wait? When will you wait?" Yu Xiuzhun lowered his face, tapping on the table with his long fingers.

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