365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2070: My acting is not as good as you

   "Shan Hanjie wants me to wait. The closer the time comes, I will be anxious, and the flaws will become bigger when I am in a hurry. He just seized the opportunity to kill me!"


   "Through my order, the business that should be done is done as usual, and the money that should be made is not less than a dime!"

   "Then what should I do with those tails?"


  The ruthless words escaped from Yu Xiuzun’s thin lips.

  Bloodthirsty eyes, revealing the ruthlessness that is inevitable.

   "Miss Ye asked..."

   "If I dare to pass a word into her ears, I'll be the first to clean up you!" Yu Xiu's eyes dazzled, and he glared at his assistant.

  The assistant lowered his head without saying a word.

  Just as he was about to retreat, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a slender figure standing by the door.

  At this moment, she was opening her eyes with surprise, staring in the direction of Yu Xiuzun in disbelief.

   "Miss Ye..."

  As soon as the assistant's voice sounded, Yu Xiuzun quickly raised his head, and Zitong tightened his shocked gaze at Shangye Mingmei.


   Ye Mingmei didn't know how long she had slept, so she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes.

  The sunlight passing through the fingers is clear and bright.

   Turned over and sat up, Ye Mingmei turned her head and glanced at the bedroom subconsciously, there was no longer a figure of Yu Xiuzun.

   Thinking of yesterday’s madness, she still stretched out her hand uncomfortably and patted her face.

  Finding the clothes and putting them on, remembering what Yu Xiuzhun promised her last night, after washing her face, she went to him happily.

  She was thinking, as long as Yu Xiuzhun is willing to give up the shares of the single family, maybe he will also be willing to stop, stop doing those things that hurt the nature and do business decently.

  At that time, everyone’s prejudice against him will be reduced, and everything can be started from the beginning...

  Ye Mingmei's mouth raised and laughed, and she was in a bad mood.

   couldn't find Yu Xiuzuan in the bedroom, so he looked for the location of the study in his memory.

  Never thought that the first sentence she heard when she walked to the study was the news that Yu Xiuzhun wanted to deal with Shan Hanjie.

  He never thought of stopping, everything she saw was just an illusion.

   is a scene he ordered everyone to act for her.

   makes her think that he really intends to stop, that she can really change him...

   Ye Mingmei's eyes were red in an instant, and she blinked sourly, and her eyes were blurred.

   Biting his lip tightly, backing away.


  He stumbled on the carpet, and Ye Mingmei fell heavily to the ground.

  People haven't reacted yet, Yu Xiuzhun has walked up to her and hugged her up in distress.

"Do not touch me!"

   Ye Mingmei waved his hand away excitedly, rubbing her arm vigorously, as if she had been touched by something dirty.

   stepped back abruptly, staring at Yu Xiuzun fiercely.

  Faced with his evil eyes, turned around and ran out of the door.

  There is only one thought left in her mind: she is going to leave here, leave the devil in Yu Xiu!

   "Ye Mingmei, stop for me!"

  Yun Xiuzhun looked at her figure running out without hesitation, his heart seemed to empty a corner, his face changed, and he quickly chased after her.

   "Let me explain!" Yu Xiu Zhun grabbed her arm and pulled Ye Mingmei to her.

   "I don't listen, I don't want to hear anything!"

Ye Mingmei covered her ears with her hands, "Don't you think you have lied to me enough? My acting skills are not as good as yours, and I can't detect any abnormalities. No wonder you always call me stupid. I am really stupid, so stupid. Will believe a bastard!"


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