Yun Xiuquan gritted his teeth, "This is Yu's house, I won't let you go, you never want to get out of here!"

  "You never thought about stopping. Did you just lie to me in the past two days?"

  Ye Mingmei looked at him in shock, caught the cruel light from the bottom of his eyes, and his heart trembled.

  The body kept wanting to move back, but Yu Xiu's shoulders were tightly grasped in his hands.

  Yun Xiuzun's gaze did not avoid her eyes, nor did he open an explanation, but his gaze answered everything.

  He was really lying to her...

   Ye Mingmei's face turned gray for an instant, and her unspeakable feeling filled her heart, making her heart scream and uncomfortable.

  She thought she could change him, but in the end she just proved her wishful thinking.

  In the heart of Yu Xiuzun, she is just a toy. When she is happy, she will coax her, and she can tear her face when she is unhappy and throw it aside.

  He even did not even bother to explain to her.

   "Yu Shao, Shan Hanjie is here, saying that she is here to pick up Miss Ye." The housekeeper appeared in a hurry at the top of the stairs, strode towards the direction of Yu Xiuzun, and bowed his head respectfully.

   "We are here with Jin Chenye and Qin Youxuan."


When Ye Mingmei heard Shan Hanjie's name, she just froze for a while, until she heard Qin Youxuan's name, she finally determined that someone was really coming to pick her up.

  After gritting her teeth, Ye Mingmei shook off Yu Xiuzun’s arm forcefully and raised her head.

   "Yun Xiuzhun, you can't stop me." Her eyes were full of arrogance, with a hint of deceived gnashing her teeth.

  "From now on, I don't want to see you again. What you want to do has nothing to do with me!" Ye Mingmei yelled, without seeing Yu Xiu's wrong face, she turned and ran downstairs.

  As soon as his hand touched the handrail of the stairs, his wrist was caught, and he slammed back.


   A 趔趄 under Ye Mingmei's feet, planted straight into Yu Xiuzun’s arms and hit his chest.

  Without waiting for her to recover, Yu Xiu's cold voice already rang above her head.

"This is Yu's house, so what if Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan are here, I won't let you go, you still can't go!" After speaking, he took Ye Mingmei into the bedroom on the second floor and put her Throwing on the bed, turning around and out of the room, closing the door.

   Ye Mingmei was dizzy and dizzy after being thrown. She just got up and was about to walk to the door when she heard Yu Xiuzun's instructions.

   "Show me this door, if you let her run away, you all have a dead end!"

   "Yes, Yu Shao!"

  The uniform voice of the bodyguard is very loud.

  Ye Mingmei ran to the door and screwed the handle firmly. The door was locked.

   "Yun Xiuzhun, you bastard! Open the door! Why don't you let me out, why..." Ye Mingmei beat her, her hands turned red.

   Tired by the door, hugged aggrieved.

  Outside the door.

  Yun Xiu's stern body was standing by the door, facing the direction of the door, and there was no expression on the skillful handsome face.

  It's cold as if frozen.

  Listening to the depressed crying in the room, her eyebrows were twisted in detail.

  The butler knew that Yu Xiu Zhun did not want Ye Mingmei to know that he was still there, and signaled Shan Hanjie that they had entered the villa.

  Yun Xiu's eyes flickered, and he stepped towards the top of the stairs.

   With a move, Ye Mingmei seemed to sense something and smashed the door again.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, haven't you left yet?"

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