"You let me out! I know you are outside!"


  Yun Xiuzun's body shook, and he looked back at the closed door in confusion.

  "Yu Shao, Shan Hanjie, they are already waiting in the living room. If you don't go any further, I'm afraid that people will come up." The butler reminded him anxiously.

  Yu Xiuzun only then converged his eyes and stepped downstairs.

  In the living room, two teams of bodyguards lined up and occupied two directions, standing behind their master, with their hands on their waists, maintaining a high degree of vigilance at all times.

  Dan Hanjie pulled Qin Youxuan and sat on the luxurious sofa, his charming and handsome face was full of carelessness.

  The big hand clasped Qin Youxuan's small hand, playing with her pale fingers, his eyes were evil and arrogant.

  Jin Chenye looked at the scene before him, and consciously turned his head away, looking at the direction of the stairs.

   "Yu Shao."

  As soon as he saw Yu Xiu coming down, Yu's bodyguards immediately gathered around him.

   "Yu Shao is a big shelf." Shan Hanjie slowly and calmly raised his head, his eyes shot sharply at Yu Xiuzun.

   Hearing this, Qin Youxuan also followed to look at the stairs, and found that only Yu Xiuzhun was alone, frowning.

  If you want to ask someone, you still have to be patient.

  "Jie Shao is coming, so I should notify you earlier, so I can go out to meet you, and you don't have to wait for a long time." Yu Xiu Zhun said, but there was no apology on his face.

  The scene is beautiful, but Xie Ning’s eyes are full of cold light.

  Waves his hand to make all the bodyguards of Yu's family quit, stepped forward, and sat on the sofa coolly.

  Looking at the empty table, his eyes sank, "Where are all the people dead? How can you not have a cup of tea when you visit? Grandma Shan likes boiled water, don’t you even know how to prepare it!"

   "The subordinates are not well received, Yu Shao forgive the sins, and the subordinates will go down and prepare." The housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to take the responsibility. Seeing that Yu Xiu didn't say anything, he quickly turned around and went into the kitchen.

  Qin Youxuan was sitting next to Shan Hanjie, and her eyebrows jumped when she heard Yu Xiuzun’s words of boiled water.

   Rumor has it that Yu Xiuzhun is a person who bears a lot of grudges and will avenge him.

  I didn’t prepare red wine for him, let him drink a glass of boiled water, and he can remember it until now. It seems that the rumors may not be unbelievable.

   "Why, Madam Shan's expression doesn't seem to like boiled water very much. I remember that when we met last time, you still liked it." Yu Xiu Zhun said jokingly, intending to pretend to be stupid.

  Never mention the name Ye Mingmei.

"Yu Xiuzhun, Mingren doesn't talk secretly, you took Mingmei away in front of me, shouldn't it be time to hand her over." Jin Chenye, who had been sitting on the side and hadn't spoken, said as soon as he said something. Go straight.

   "Did Mr. Jin drink too much during the day? What you say, I can't understand a word." Yu Xiu's eyes flashed, and his lips opened indifferently.

  The calm and unhurried manner, it seems that Jin Chenye has not been put into his eyes at all.

The arrogant attitude makes people unconsciously annoyed.

  Jin Chenyan raised his eyes and stood up.

  "Don’t understand? Yu Shao is really obsessed with it. He got involved in the Ye family’s business, used his hands and feet behind his back, set traps to trap me, and then hijacked people. These tricks, Yu Shao also forgot?

   "It's getting more and more mysterious. Is Mr. Jin talking about me? Let me think about it. It seems that there is something like that." Zhunchang Yu pointed his temples and curled his lips.

   "But the version I remember is different from Mr. Jin."

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